
I never said anything about whether being loud is good or not, hell, I'm loud (and obnoxious).

The Big Five test says I'm an OCEAN. In my experience, my self-reporting for tests causes me to get results I feel don't fit me. I don't think my facebook wall would either considering how differently with different people.

Calling someone loud vs. Calling someone a stalker

Thank you, I think that people understand that stereotypes serve only as a "most people are like this" and while they aren't all particularly true, I don't see how my pointing out that it is true in many areas makes me racist. If it was about race, I'd be racist against black men as well, right?

Saying someone is loud, opinionated, and bossy is hardly a harsh comment. Critical, yes, but nothing to get upset over.

Nope, I'm simply going on personal experience of black women. I'm saying that there is some truth to the stereotype and branding it to "white elites" is just as bad as stereotyping.

I'm usually wary of stereotyping people, but honestly, when there is only 1 out of a large number of black women that you know who isn't a stereotype, that kind of makes you believe in it.

I'm just gonna say, blaming "White elites" for stereotyping black women isn't too accurate. Considering that only 1 black female I've ever met in my life hasn't been loud, opinionated, and bossy, I totally get where the stereotype is coming from.

First Jihad is taking out of proportion and the meaning changed, and now you're trying to do the same thing with the word madrasa? Really? A madrasa is a school, any school. Now I get the point of the article, but can you please leave Arabic words alone?

In my school, the girls had created in order on the bathroom stall, the rank of guy's hotness. There are over 600 people in the grade, and around 300 boys.

Yes, but there's also the problem with accusations being read as actually always being the truth. As long as a guy was accused, that means he is a rapist, no matter whether he was acquitted or not.

I don't see where I said, "Oh derr, everyone crying rape is lying". What I said is not all rape accusations are true, and you know what, THAT'S KIND OF TRUE.

So now to Jezebel, even if someone was acquitted, they're still a rapist, because ya know, an accusation is 100% true 100% of the time.

Only if you're willing to be able to deal with them not turning out to be feminist men.

I don't know about overgeneralized memory, but I assume I'm depressed and I have a horrible memory that I really can't use for most cases.

I never go to the doctor not because of masculinity, but because I usually learn to suck it up or I really just don't have time to go. I mean, get me there, take me in as soon as I get there, but on average I wait an hour for my doctor to let me even see him. Who has that kind of time?

So, I live in America, and I'm Egyptian. I have a friend who's Pakistani and he's kind of annoying in general, and I guess he just rubs people the wrong way even though he isn't mean. He's just stupid and annoying. And he ends up talking about bombs way too much. But he's still my friend, and I feel kind of bad about

Is it wrong that I now feel the need to make a movie in Ikea?

Don't make fun of our bromances!

I can live with being obese, wouldn't be happy, but I'd live. If was blind I'd kill myself.