
If you want to do that, then realize that it doesn't even practice it right. So, that's where your argument falls through.

1) Are you completely ignorant about Islam?

Women can't divorce the same way, but matrimony (to women) is an obligation if you divorce this way. It doesn't make them slaves, though it is wrong that women can't divorce in a similar manner.

Of course, Western culture is much better than Islamic culture, because that doesn't make you look pompous or ignorant at all.

Well, yes I know that, I'm simply concerned because many things in (can I assume you're Muslim as well?) our(?) religion have a lot of assessment with how people view you, so simply sending a text saying you're divorcing them feels to me like it's too discreet because there would be no real judicial power in it.

Oh, my mistake then. I assumed that this was an isolated incident rather than it happening quite a bit.

Um, maybe it's just me, but I don't quite agree. In fact, in many cases, both personally and from just about everyone I've met, it's usually the girls who DO play sports that are considered attractive and wear makeup, etc. in opposition to the girls who don't, who are viewed as less attractive and in many times just

"remarks from last year surfaced."

It's one simple text message.

But you have to be a natural born citizen to be president, hence many immigrants' inability to run for president. And what the conservatives try to do is void Obama's presidency.

I'm going with a resounding yes. I don't really care what he did, convicts shouldn't have to die because of something like this. And yes, letting them die by not providing the organs is murder. You don't have to literally kill someone for it to be murder. Forcing someone in jail, and then denying them the right to

Is it wrong that as soon as I read the title, it seemed kind of obvious that it would be Texas trying to do this?

Another reason to hate Trump. The guy has people acting like he's God or something. He isn't. He's a horrible excuse for a human and people follow him because he's rich or something. I don't even understand.

No, simply put, what I'm saying is that for lesbians, it takes a whole lot more planning and asking yourself if you're financially ready for a child versus a heterosexual couple that just doesn't use protections and accidentally gets pregnant.

Get this man on the phone! He needs to be my teacher.

Well, this is really bad for me, and since I'm one of those types that generally keeps all my emotions inside and doesn't really describe them to many people, I guess I'm just gonna say it all here.

Wait, let me see something. Lesbian at a maternity store. So, we can assume the child is either a newborn to 3 years of age, right?

I wouldn't be surprised. Most people who come out as lesbian are either in liberal settings that tell just about every kid they can achieve whatever they want or are headstrong in the face of prejudice and hardships. That's pretty much what it takes to be successful in making money.

Then they realize it's a homeless, Asian female that just watches a little too much Law And Order: SVU through the windows of shops and was hoping to inspire a new episode.

Tackle problems head on? Nuh-uh. If anything, boys are taught to ignore that they have a problem until it gets too major.