
"civilized nation"… Mauritania is not the southeast US. Arab Muslims enslaving black Africans.
Under French rule, slavery was illegal. It was only after independence that it reappeared under the banner of "arabization".
My comment stands.

Aubry Plaza is not in season 2? well, season 1 is the last I'll watch.

In what alternate universe would the north or any other civilized nation allow it to continue for another 150 years? the answer is none. no alternative universe.

If not guitar, it has to be sax.
Pete Christlieb, Steely Dan, FM ; Phil Woods, Steely Dan, Doctor Wu ; Wayne Shorter, Steely Dan, Aja.

I could only make it through about 20 minutes of CBGB on netflix. Alan fucking Rickman? such a great actor to be in that turd. Not trying to be callous, but at least one good thing came from Ms Jones demise.

I'm a big ABB fan, but that movie looks awful. $20k + $11m + 10 years out of the movie biz is not enough punishment for making the movie, let alone killing a crew member.

I probably wouldn't plan it this way, but as it turned out, I've seen the eagles and steely dan 6 or so times each.

after almost singlehandedly legitimizing trump during the primaries, he decides to leave the party he pissed on. well, ok then.

or Matt Damon as a math genius.

I don't know how they can reboot the "Aquaman" franchise after Entourage did it so well.

screams "Wes Anderson movie". homage or ripoff?

we used to all the time. if you get get 2/3 approval, you too can change the constitution.

live by the leak, die by the fake leak. 1) use double sourcing before reporting a leak. 2) if you get a leak and it turns out to be clearly false, expose the leaker. 3) give at least some consideration to whether the leak a) hurts national security or b) is just information. if a), is not reporting the leak apt to

first world problems… If my memory serves, most everyone never checked that sort of thing and would argue endlessly while sitting at a bar over beers. now we just pull out our phones and ask siri.


how do you 'check' in the 80s? no internet, they'd have had to go to a library or something…. crazy what we're used to now that not so long ago was so difficult.

I prefer one hour photo.

it's a comedy. in a much more respected show, the president of the united states pushed his secretary of state down a flight of stairs. in the white house. and that was one of the more plausible things he did over the years. Veep is a farce. Let it be a farce.

I'm almost enjoying reading these recaps, and would if I didn't find 3 or 4 grammar or spelling clunkers in each one… "have impressively found a way to created and recreated a special, fascinating world "