
she's going to lose her only clients because of the crash. due to her injuries, she'll miss deadlines and her customers will realize they can't afford to have all their eggs in a one-lawyer basket.

yes. I hope those glimpses are there for a good reason - but I don't see redemption. I think he'll run into/track down Kim, and we'll see where she ended up.

he didn't break any laws…. other than rigging the bingo game that is.

agreed. - in fact, after I posted that last night I realized I basically said almost exactly what you said, only with different words.
I think he was worried about giving legal advice without a valid license. so he broke a dozen other laws to keep from that…. the more I think about it, not bright. way too many

jones is getting enormously wealthy preying on the gullibility of the insecure and paranoid. he's loathsome. on the other hand, if Kelly can expose him for what he is, it's all good. I already know what he is so I won't be watching either way.

I think the girls getting their money now instead of years from now is a good thing, but I wouldn't have done it. I'm not that devious and would never intentionally hurt anyone like that, even for a good cause. <raises hand="">

yeah, you're right - I get that too. Chuck is smart - smart enough to know that he's a menace to his firm, but he's also a McGill, and revenge often seems 'the right thing to do' with those guys.

ah, that would explain it. I must have missed that. thanks!

Jimmy didn't switch out the doctored bingo balls - which means the same numbers would have come up for his assistant while he went to console Irene.

won't matter. it's an expense he won't worry about because he's got his settlement money.

no. chuck's continued participation in the firm will bring it down. maybe not right away, but soon. he has reason to be sad and disappointed, but not outraged.

he should have driven her. he should have offered to help carry her proposals. he should have given a shit about something other than himself. Jimmy is dead. long live Saul.

he's right but pushes it for all the wrong reasons. the grannies need to get their money sooner rather than later, but anyone with an ethical bone in his body wouldn't have done that.

Anyone notice one of the stores Jimmy mallwalked by was named "Crazy-8"?

I'm not proud.

I binged the new season of house of cards in one day.

I saw Queen, Zeppelin and Eagles, all in 76, all at the height of their powers. I was 17. it was a good year.

"next time the gophers play, put some beer in a bowl and put him in front of the tv"

The whole bowling alley scene was just wrong. Just like the whole UFO thread in S2. wholly unnecessary and only inserted to make you scratch your head. Why? I like weird, but Fargo and it's characters are weird enough with real life without inserting fantastic elements just to make it weirder for cheap thrills.