
I won't argue that the punishment was harsh in comparison to some of the other infractions committed by dozens of other players for actions on and off the field - or that this particular crime is all that consequential. What I will say is that it reminds me of the old joke with the punchline "we've already

It's a good one, isn't it?

Sheryl Crow's 2nd, DMB's Under the Table, RHCP's One Hot Minute and this disk were on constant rotation on my headphones working a hell gig in a corporate cubicle farm back in '96. I haven't listened to any of them much since, possibly because I wore out their welcome. It's nice to revisit. I didn't think of the the

yeah, I'm with the crowd on this one. I laughed, I cried, I farted. I couldn't put it down.

I think the most underrated character is Constable Bob. He's perfectly drawn, written and played. The scene where he gets the crap beaten out of him by Yolo but doesn't talk and ultimately kills him - and then Raylan bragging on him over it to the bad guys - great stuff. Patton Oswald keeps showing up in the

been a fan since day one and I'm sad to see it go, but tonight's episode promises to be awesome. After Raylan (or hopefully Loretta) dispatches the creepy hat guy, I picture a three way showdown between Raylan, Boyd and Sam Fucking Elliot. epic.

satirists have been impersonating and lampooning the celebrated and nearly famous since the dawn of comedy. I sympathize with the man, but if the world were to stop ridiculing the ridiculous on the off chance we might hurt someone's feelings and they commit suicide, comedy would be dead.

yeah - as far as Dolly Parton originals and covers are concerned, that's the beginning and end of the list for me.

I am still a little ashamed by the way Juliet made me feel in that scene with DeNiro in Cape Fear. That was… yeah. it was.

I'm truly shocked and outraged by how little it takes to shock and outrage some people. sheesh.

as far as battle creek is concerned, it took them exactly the 2nd episode before revealing why they cast Kal Penn… he's the pot smoker. ;-)

oh, good grief. that is all.

If you're going to insert yourself into the news story, you'd better a) have a good reason and b) be right… Right Dan Rather?

Her character is drawn with crayons, but she uses all the colors in the box and stays in the lines. [translation: she plays herself perfectly]

Thank god! there is no Entourage II!

Ellie Kemper was the best thing about the last few years of the office. She kept me watching through 5 episodes and it's starting to get it's feet under it.


oh crap - I just realized they didn't give a wrap up for Orin. Ok, what's Orin's future… GO!

I'm with you. I think that's the best way to take the flash-forwards. They always began when Leslie touched them - meaning this is how Leslie sees their lives. Even in tv neverland, lives are never that perfect.

It comes on at 12:30am where I live. but thanks for being 'that guy' who has to pick nits without offering anything of substance.