Funny how those who preach the genetic superiority of the white race seem to be the least ideal examples of that idea.
Funny how those who preach the genetic superiority of the white race seem to be the least ideal examples of that idea.
Disappointed to see that this was merely a car transporting a grill and not a car equipped with a functioning propane grill inside like the headline seemed to suggest. Oh, well. It’s Florida we’re talking about, so there’s always tomorrow.
Do EVs cost more because the government subsidizes them? Think about where gov distorts markets - college, medical, oil drilling (tax credits), etc.
The Gene Simmons interview was my first thought as well. Not sure if he was initially trying to be facetious to provoke her and just got angrier that he wasn’t getting the reaction he wanted and just devolved.
Oh whatever, plebe...everybody knows BMW drivers always have Right of Way.
Or sixty years of administration from both parties kicking this particular can down the road.
“We’ve arrived In the Annapolis! oh, Indianapolis?”
You mean. “all the sitars to you”.
We are Froot.
I see they kept that dumbass iPad instead of designing a real dash. How disappointing.
Even if we did have evidence that this guy was looking at his stream, I feel like making that against the rules is silly. You don’t want everyone online seeing where you are in the game, maybe don’t stream in the first place. Or at the very least use a different name so you can’t be identified.
That’ll bu-... erm... *awkward silence*
1. No way does Tool’s ‘Aenima’ belong on that list (sorry, I don’t know how to do the strange letter-thing).
134. Tool, Ænima
Have you done a risk analysis to compare the chances of you broadsiding a truck that ran the light vs. the odds that a disgruntled road rager opens fire when you slow for the green?
C’mon, Aenima is the best Tool album and you know it.