
Larger 4k is Awesome. I bought one of those cheap Seiki 39" 4k TV’s and use it as a monitor. Everything else feels like you are working in a closet. Think of it like 4 20" 1080P monitors.. You don’t need to mess with fonts and size of things. I wish it was slightly larger.. Maybe 45"

Rouse Rouse!


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Dave Chappelle auto related video as a consolation prize.(NSFW) (Funny if you remember the original Mitsubishi commercial.)

Apparently a Mentat.

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I’m not going down with this ship. 1:30

I didn’t think the Corvette came with a hood ornament.

What the heck is Ernest Borgnines son doing there?



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The only reason I know they used gasoline is 3:05.

Faces of Meh.

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“High Roller”. This works on multiple levels.

First Mod on my list.. Huge Manatee.

Yes, and I went google image searching before I posted. The picture below was the only other example I could find that was even close, and it’s still not as bad as this CP.