Oops.. With all the North Korea news I didn't even notice the south in the title.. I was wondering why people were saying they were armored enough and their supporting aa was good enough.. Reading is fun and mental..
Oops.. With all the North Korea news I didn't even notice the south in the title.. I was wondering why people were saying they were armored enough and their supporting aa was good enough.. Reading is fun and mental..
In the immortal words of the warthog.... BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRTTTT.
I like the Olds a little better. This one has a bit extra going on. AWD 6.6L
A lot more confident than Hillary. Yes I do know about Sierra Blanca and the Minutemen vote. All the writings I find on both those subjects are represented like Whitewater and the Clintons. Drawing conclusions based on speculation. If you want to accept those 2 then you need to accept Whitewater and all that was…
It’s not silly, there is a lot more data on his votes, and it is all public. It’s about Hilliarys talking points on her stances, as compared to what is on record as to, his past and there relevance to the current election. It’s her past and the significant lieing on the same subjects she claims to be solid and…
If this were about a cat I would still be a bit mad, and you might have a 50/50 chance with other people, but it’s about a dog, and there is a simulated picture of a dead one.
I would call it Logical not Illogical. It’s logical that if someone can’t tell the truth or has not upheld their values consistently over many things and you compare that to someone who has percentage wise even over a smaller sampling you should choose that person.
Most people make decisions on what they do know, not what they don’t know.
I think it’s Quality and Quantity. While neither of those things are good by any stretch, the quantity of stories and scale of effect of the ones for Hillary seems greater. I can’t find any article or info on Bernie directly addressing questions about the incidents you mentioned, but I can find dozens on Hillary and…
I like this idea, but people trying it need to be wary.. Some paints will melt the keys, and/or the paint may remain tacky enough that constant touching will make this idea not work so well.
Whoever wrote this is a person after my heart. Those “pairings” were exactly my thoughts . I was clicking through thinking I was going to see IPA, IPA, IPA. and I hate IPA’s
That is a whole lot of stupid.
My son keeps seeing cheap 4th gen Camraos and firebirds, and says look how cheap it is.. I could build/swap the motor and... That’s right where I stop him and make him look at the under the hood picture, and ask him how he plans on doing that.