Did Woody Allen go to court?, did his movies tank after the accusations? did he have to make a public apology? Nope, Nope and Nope... Hollywood still loves him. His defence “He makes great films”
Did Woody Allen go to court?, did his movies tank after the accusations? did he have to make a public apology? Nope, Nope and Nope... Hollywood still loves him. His defence “He makes great films”
The world of fashion can be a very foreign place, because I think those Crotch high boots are ugly, but I love Rihanna so I am going to front that those boots are beautiful, because a stan can’t slip at being a stan.
I am under the impression, Macklemore is not getting over that immense guilt he felt after winning that Grammy.
I am sure Kris stole Kourtney’s phone to tweet that saying “Honey just doing crisis management”
Zoe wanted to continue playing dress up, acting as if this role was similar to Gamora or Neytiri...
Perfect response
So there is definitely another season of “botched”, because it this is the number of recorded authorised plastic surgeries, imagine the number of back door plastic surgeries procedures occurred in 2015.
I can imagine Kris’s crisis management book is 50% Rob
“If he has slipped and done something wrong, I just ask that everybody prays for him.”
Kanye was happy someone actually came for him, he realised that his regular tweets don’t make it in to the media as much as they did 2 weeks ago.
No one was like “shucks this might not work” after they did her make up the first time... or maybe “Actually let us just cast an actress closely resembles Nina, so we can at least save money on Make-up” because they clearly didn’t care about what her family would think.