
Salvation lies within

Random engineer? With so few employees (wiki claim 25) it's pretty hard to just be a random engineer. I don't buy it. Dave, don't pass the buck.

The hope is that they get delayed long enough, that the crazies disappear from the leadership there.

Too bad this has (or can) only been verified with alcohol....

Here's what my HTC phone leaks, and I can't figure out how to change it. My EVO Shift with android 2.3 assigns to the network ID (the device name my phone assigns itself on a network) is tmy phones MEID number. Anyone snooping any public network that my phone would happen to connect to, purposely or not, can see it.

The precursor to the Burqa.

It'll need to be charged every single night. The 6-7 hours is besides everything else that once it's in the kids hands, will be going on.

"Ok kids, download your biology textbooks for this period." Next the schools (likely very inefficient) wifi get hit with 25 students downloading a 2gb file. Times that by numerous classes.

iPad for k-12 education wont make it for another reason. Battery life.

Fact is, the $ amount has gone up on all tiers, irregardless if the buy you more data, you are being more ripped off.

Cold turkey is the only way that works. Been there, and tried it all.

I hate half-height arrow keys.

too boring.

Anything that can slow global warming, is welcome.

Not a loss, but a slim profit margin to be made up revenues in streaming. And likely a subscription too. Knowing Apple, the unit will likely a paper weight without an ongoing subscription.

This will likely be apples success when Apple releases a TV. It'll likely be sold at a low cost, but apple will profit of off streaming, AND it'll the hardware likely only be active with a subscription. To Apple, ever since advent of iTunes, hardware has become just a serving dish.

"There have been security snafus and subpar product launches and an overwhelming sense of stagnation."

As long as Timeline will leak some private information about the few I stalk, I'll be happy.

Or perhaps that's why a drone crashed. Again.