
My father was abusive. He beat my mother multiple times, and my brother and I once each. After he beat me, he told me I couldn’t tell anyone because they’d break up our family, not only taking me and my brother from the house but splitting us up as well. That terrified me, and I know that the fear of being unable to

Lots of pretty numbers and pretty birds!

I have a bit of a soft spot for desktops that actually look like desktops. Alec’s desktop fits the bill nicely, and

I wouldn’t say they are football illiterate. They’ve learned a lot in the three years they have rooted for the Seahawks.

Thanks for the warning and your kind words.

Welcome to Deadspin Jordan. Just a word to the wise, careful writing negative articles about the Seahawks. Their football illiterate fan base has a tendency to sue or start petitions in response criticism or rational negative thoughts about their defense.

Nice still image.

Thank you for this, Burke! This crossed my mind yesterday at the Gold medal tie (I hadn’t seen the men’s butterfly tie until you posted this) and thought it was really strange they weren’t using a more precise system. I find it pretty amazing that they’ve taken into account the affect tolerances in construction and

that fucker is from Orlando and I hope he burns in hell

Well yeah, but punting paid more money.