
I'm going to name my children Alice and Brad.

I've heard that MadWorld is very repetitive. Is this tRUE?

I read the post title as "Hollywood vs. Capcom. Fight!"

HD DVD says Hello.

Omg this game looks brilliant! Shame that it's only on PSN!

Is that Shane Bettenhausen?

Does anyone know what the best game on WiiWare is?

The game looks awful. Just sell me the baby shaker app with top gun's theme playing in the background.

Will these updates be available for purchase from local video game shoppes?

I've got a question for Capcom. Why don't they bring Resident Evil 5 to the Wii just like EA did with Dead Space. Why?!

Hopefully soon both Wii and 360 platform holders will come up with an insider programme just like Qore. I can't wait!

The intro "FMV", if you can call it that, looks like a children's colouring book cutout.

Any news of this game coming out on the DS or PSP?

Does this mean that the next DS will also be a phone?

When are we getting an Earthbound remake?

He's looking like a fine monkey in that game.