No, you read it wrong. When you click to download, the box shows two choices: MacX DVD Ripper Pro is free. The Converter Pack is a separate product and it is $34.95.
No, you read it wrong. When you click to download, the box shows two choices: MacX DVD Ripper Pro is free. The Converter Pack is a separate product and it is $34.95.
I love this approach. Did a 365 project in 2010 — took a photo every day, no matter what. Missed two days. It made be a better photographer but more important, it made me a disciplined shooter.
Nice technique but save yourself some time and watch 1:04 to 1:35.
If you're going to try to hide your activity, ask yourself this: Are you more knowledgeable than your company's IT department?
There's a word for a guy who does this: "Single."
My Dad had one of these 50 years ago. Cool.
TEDx. Smaller scale, independently-run sessions. Generally lower caliber material.
Someone sent this to me a few days ago and I have been using it. Pretty cool. Folding the towel in half increases absorbency.
You pretty much invented the Aeropress.
You try it. Which is what the Cook's Illustrated folks do. That's what sets them apart. There's a lot of lore; they experiment.
A better reason for making your own is that you can decide how brown you want. 1.5 tsp molasses per cup of white sugar for light, 3 tsp per cup for dark.
Yes, that works. When you're not using it to submerge anything, another way to draw the air out is to insert a soda straw, close the zipper right up to the straw, then suck. Pull the straw out while squeezing the zipper closed.
It's OK, because cars in DC seldom actually move.
Without digging into the specs of the device, it sounds like they are depending on a current-limited output. The 20 mA/pin spec means that's how much the pin can source. Try to draw more and the output voltage will drop as far as it needs to go to limit the output to 20 mA. (Turns out that's easy to do with an output…
Piling on with regard to #3: "I ate it and didn't get sick" is really poor evidence in favor of bad practice. But no need to get paranoid. Food safety is not difficult:
You can buy one for $1.70 with shipping:
I'll go a step further — even with many coats, it barely works. Magnetic paint is a fail, in my book.
Agree. Would suggest: "One-Click App Tells if Your Mac is Infected by Flashback
Crystallized ginger is sugared ginger.