
"Lastly, check it for grammar and typos. Even if the content's great, we try to uphold a certain level of professional writing around here!"

+1 for the 3M kit. Everything you need, clear instructions, easy to use and works extremely well. Used them on the giant front lenses of my car (Lexus RX300), which had yellowed and clouded to the point where it was decreasing the light quite visibly. Now they are like new. Less than an hour to do the whole job.

Two reasons. One is as @neohumpty says, most commercial chips are deep fried and have more oil. The other is that most vegetables have more fiber and other nutrients. Especially true for brightly colored vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, kale. Potatoes, sadly, are mostly carbs, and simple carbs at that.

Should be fine to run it for 10 minutes without paste. Actually, I think you would probably be ok running it for hours that way, but not sure enough to recommend that. If all you want to do is make sure it boots, you should be fine.

There are three ways you can go.

What they are saying is not to cook it through in the pan — let the residual heat in the pan do that. If you sear and then cook through, the residual heat will cook it more, overcooking it.

Correct. Harold McGee and others have proven that searing does no sealing. Many sources still hoist that old canard. But the sear-debunkers all agree we should still sear, for flavor.

If electric, take it off the burner. That would cool down very slowly and probably overcook it.

Keys to long lasting produce is to seal it well, with as little air as possible. For herbs, asparagus, green onions, the key is to treat them like the florist treats flowers: In water, in the refrig, preferably covered with a bag. Herbs like parsley last two weeks this way! Asparagus lasts at least two weeks.

Whitson, this is a really great article. One of the best headphone overviews ever.

I got those too and yes, all the Shure in-ear phones are excellent. And the noise isolation is very good. They are my "airplane 'phones."

He included the SR60i as his under-$100 ear pad pick.

The classic French omelet: [] is one of my favorites. Gently cooked, not a lot of add-ins, and rolled out of the pan. It's surprisingly easy to make a classy enough dish for dinner.

Salmonella only affects one in 30,000 eggs. And the outsides are washed in chlorinated detergent, eliminating it on the outside.

Place the eggs in warm water to bring them to room temp in five minutes.

Thanks for this. One might think this is all common sense but based on the messages I get, common sense is not very common.

Thank you for that. In an article about truth-seeking, good to include some truth.

True. Shure makes the Push to Talk with a mike — push the button and ambient sound goes to the phones. Sweet idea but I don't have one. A little pricey at $50.