
Acetone almost always works but it is a very aggressive solvent. It often attacks the surface you are trying to clean. It dissolves many plastics.

To screw the pipe pieces to the door either use a wood backer as several others suggest or use 3/4" screws (I like Spax brand for this). Measure the door thickness to be sure thepoint will not penetrate the outside of the door. You will need to drill holes on the outside side of the pipe, to allow the screwdriver to

Regarding heat, if you can't let the iron cool before you put it away, use metal conduit. It's a thin-wall metal pipe.

Or, Careful users will notice they've been...

If you want to taste the subtleties of a lightly roasted fine coffee, they use drip. But not with a Mr. Coffee — the experts pour by hand (the way he did in the video) with water at a very precise temperature. Machines generally bring the water to too low a temp.

Sneaky way to hide your passwords. Good thing you didn't die suddenly — I can see your heirs, trying to get into your accounts to close them and saying, "Crap, can't find his passwords anywhere. But damn, he was conscientious. He sure changed his smoke alarm batteries a lot!"

Ah, good. Now the pencil we used to clear the treads of our shoes (see: Most embarrassingly trivial LH article ever, [] is a multi-tasker! Someone must own stock in a pencil manufacturing company.

Nice little app! And thanks for letting us know it's free today.

Excited to see DupeZap - have tried other apps that do this. all have flaws. BUT be careful — read the comments. Several negative comments from people who claim it trashed files that are part of system. Also does not reach inside package files, meaning, as an example, it can't dedupe your iphoto library. I am not sure

I do rate my songs. 1 star means that I don't care if I never hear it again, so periodically, I delete all 1-star songs. Two stars means I don't like it much but wouldn't mind hearing it from time to time.

Just fyi — pay attention to exp dates because the Food Bank is required to throw away anything with a passed exp date. I learned that while volunteering at Second Harvest.

I have to agree on this one. Right on, @vinylrake, so well said, and funny to boot!

Use and care instructions from Lodge (the largest manufacturer of cast iron cookware in the US):

Joe, if this turns out to be true, I will do a Mac happy dance.

Yeah, but to be fair, there are several things Windows has that I -wish- Apple would mimic. LIke: To make a window bigger, you grab any edge or corner. On the Mac, you have to move the window using the top bar and size it using the lower right corner. What a pain!! I say a bad word every time I have to do this (it

True. The point being, when we read the word "free" our first thought should be "free?"

Consider longevity. A reporter mentioned that he looked at his supplies after three years and was surpised to see that a lot of things had degraded. Still edible, mostly, but he recommends annually replacing perishable items. If your supplies are regular food (that is, not military rations), then it costs nothing

I disagree a little about variety. You're right, this is an emergency situation but it's also important to maintain one's spirits. Especially if there are kids. A variety of foods is not hard to achieve.

> "Odd definition of the word Free."

I am so going to steal that.