"Your taste in coffee is unique to mine."
"Your taste in coffee is unique to mine."
It makes linking easy (to external articles or to other articles you've done) and others can edit the work. You can see who wrote what, make corrections, undo others' additions.
I stand corrected.
I'm confused. Why do you want a QR code on the page the QR code takes you to?
The worst anti-smoking complainers? Ex-smokers.
Tailor the resume as much as possible. Show that you understand the job and know whey you are a good match for it.
As a hiring manager, I am a fan of cover letters.
Good point but it's "resumé," not "résumé."
This is framed in a competitive sense — e.g. having information no one else has. While your co-workers are your competitors, this works even better if you use this in a collaborative way. While preparing, give people a heads-up if you have information that applies to their area. Share some of your preparation freely.
True. Although people mean well, nagging, cajoling, or "supporting" someone to quit doesn't work unless you know they are open to your help.
Of all the smokers I know, no two of them quit the same way. Some went cold turkey, some used gum, some eased out of it, some used patches. So I don't think it's true, or helpful, to suggest there is just one way.
The colors are not universal — but still helpful since the date is generally printed on the tag. Look at the datte; then look at the other loaves for a different color. When you have looked at each color, you know which if freshest. A lot easier than looking at the date on every single loaf.
As I said, "There's a narrow band of conditions where the signal is "maybe" but it's not something you usually encounter." And regardless, it's not a reason to pay $100 for a cable. The circumstances for which an expensive cable would make a difference are very rare.
You could mount it to a sheet of plywood or sheet plastic and mount that to the wall.
Right, not exactly — but mostly. All signals degrade with distance. As analog signals degrade, the sound or picture is affected, bit by bit, With digital, the signal degrades but is still detected as ones and zeroes — until it's so bad, the ones and zeroes blur and the signal is lost. It's pretty sudden. Everything is…
Nice graphic assist!! Thanks!
Ah, yes — I see it does have its own scroll bar. That's a big improvement.
And while I am in full-on grouch mode (I love Lifehacker, really!), here's the real problem. You have two panes — the big track with the content, and the smaller frame on the right that lists the articles. How do you scroll?
Argggh!! Trying to handle the new format but you guys are making me crazy. How the %$#@ do I see all my comments and replies? Before the redesign, I could just go to lifehacker.com and there they were! After, I found I could click on my name in the upper right. Now, you gave me a handy little number that tells me…
Wouldn't you prefer to not see relevant ads than to not see irrelevant ads?