
It’s so sad, you know, what you wrote... how he was the only one not fearing and hating her.

I also enjoy that Hawkeye feels like he owes her since Pietro saved his life. That was a nice bit of continuity.

I really want an awkward romantic comedy produced for them called.

I like that instead of potential romantic foil, MCU Hawkeye is like her cool mouthy older brother.

I’m kind of interested to see where it goes- mainly because I love Paul Bethany’s portrayal of Vision and want as much of it as I can get.But I also appreciate how, as it stands, it’s a very slow burn. There’s nothing more jarring to me than a love accelerated.

Honestly, what lady could resist a man who can cook, shoot lasers from his head and dresses as draper as Vision?

Yeah . . . I don’t feel like anyone English gets to make scathing comments about U.S. history with native populations. In the interest of truthiness and all.

The best example of all:

I was going to be upset about JK Rowling’s continued cultural appropriation, but then a Native American commenter wrote that they’re fine with it, so I guess that’s that. It’s only cultural appropriation if literally every member of the culture which is being referenced is up in arms about it. This is also why it’s

Completely agreed. I’m not even going to approach the whole Native-American-culture can of worms, but this doesn’t feel at all like America - it’s America as seen through the lens of a British person who assumes the rest of the world is like the one they personally know.

(So this is what it’s like for the rest of the

The American Hufflepuff should have been a Jackalope.

They should have gone with:

This is one of those times when the easy route of naming them Eagle, Bear, Puma and Wildcat would have been perfectly appropriate. If there’s one thing we Americans like more than naming things after dead Native Americans, it’s having cool wildlife mascots.

The whole thing feels ridiculously out-of-touch with anything remotely ‘American’, and just as with the ‘History of Magic’ thing, the parts that don’t sound foolish and/or offensive just sound like a British person who’s never left their island, or read all that many books, thinks America must be.

It has been an unpopular opinion when I’ve expressed it out loud, but I honestly think Rowling is torpedoing her franchise with every little new thing she puts out. Joined by others, of course.

They should have gone with

If you’re about to write a comment that says, “But, but, this takes place before people started feeling bad about the attempted cultural eradication of Native Americans!” maybe don’t. This is the only reason I can imagine that people think these names are ok, and it’s not.

Easiest Rock > Paper > Scissors trio to deal with and introduce new players to. It also makes the most sense in basic terms. Fire burns grass, water puts out fire, and grass beats water (Cause water makes grass grow).

For older, experienced fans, something like a Fighting, Dark, Psychic trio would be nice, but it’s a

Any bets on whether the name will be Hoola?

I loathe youtubers nobody cares about recording their reaction to something big, they always seem to get confused hits of people whose device didn’t show the full name of the youtube video (specifically the “my reaction” part). Then again, they do seem to have an audience. Maybe I’m just a very angry person.