Oh for fuck’s sake, a woman with an opinion. The horror. I’ve never met a “SJW” who has perfected whining like a little bitch as much as you GamerGate types.
Oh for fuck’s sake, a woman with an opinion. The horror. I’ve never met a “SJW” who has perfected whining like a little bitch as much as you GamerGate types.
A+ Job making an interesting story about a convention involving women in an environment that imposes many restrictions on them in to a way to bitch about inclusiveness. Bravo!
Every time I watch the movie, when Finn and Rey hug when they meet on the Starkiller Planet, I yell “KISS HER!!” But I yell the same thing when Han and Leia hug earlier.
I enjoy the Rey/Finn dynamic if only because if gives interracial couples a great outlet to share their love of cosplay. Seriously, just Google Rey Finn and try not to smile. You can’t. It’s physically impossible.
Yes, if only there had been a woman reporter over a hundred years ago. Perhaps someone who famously went undercover in a mental hospital or travelled around the world. Or did something notable like that.
Russians and people in Germanic helmets working together?
Yup. Cabba, from Planet Salad. It’s hilarious and appropriate.
And, in true Saiyajin tradition, named after a vegetable. It’s nice to see some things stay the same.
If they’re just apologizing for a 9 cent increase... Imagine what your local cable company will have to do to apologize for their constant price hikes with less and less channels each year... I’m guessing it would include candle wax & a stick!
Thats pretty classy.
The MCU is an elsworld story. It’s more based off of the Ultimate Universe than the regular one.
And people actually did complain about Arrow at first, and to a lesser degree still do. Even in Smallville the WB were unwilling to do Green Arrow properly. They refused to call him Green Arrow out of fear that sounded silly and keep using him as a Batman standin. It took the success of The Flash for them to start…
I think your last paragraph is the direction DC/WB is going for. I have read articles where the movie universe is referred to as the DC extended universe. I even read how the reason why Grant Guston wasn’t cast as movie Flash due to him not being ideal for a dark and gritty DC movie universe. That said, it seems like…
Not really. Smallville was not really a TV Superman. They were prevented constantly from really being able to make him Superman until the final episode and that really is what hurt the show. This is why Gotham is what it is as well. WB seems fine using Bruce and Clark on these shows...just not letting them be Batman…
Arrow developed the “no killing” rule well before the backdoor Flash pilot. The only thing the success of The Flash contributed was a bit more goofiness and levity (plus some more usage of trick arrows).
Except The Dark Knight had maybe some similar pacings to Winter Soldier. Both movies have very serious, more “grounded” settings, but both also used humor to break up scenes. The format of The Dark Knight could be summed as thus: Batman action scene, quick cut to Wayne and Alfred quipping, Joker scene with dark humor,…
I feel about Ang Lee’s Hulk the same way this dude feels about BvS. It’s a suitable superhero film that strives to go deeper and that teensy bit of originality makes it worth it. The failure was in the execution of the actual superhero parts of the movie, like the obligatory fight at the end which everyone demands but…
Hell, I liked Ang Lee’s Hulk, and I still would spittake if anyone tried claiming it was a “classic.”
The criticism of Marvel’s house style is more or less on point. But it seems absurd to level the criticism that everything is too funny when Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies brooded their way to a giant haul of cash at around the same time that the Marvel approach came together. BvS is not daring to be different;…