
I should have been clearer: the park practices a finders, keepers policy.

Unfortunate that when Evan asked if he was pronouncing it correctly, Will didn't correct him. If someone asks that question, it means they want to know.

[J = y] as in yes
[o = o] as in bode
[t = t] as in tie
[u = oo] as in foot
[n = n] as in nigh

the comments on the announcement post over on Steam are hilarious.

I just spent two hours playing Final Fantasy XV, which I can confirm is a real video game that actually exists. The good news: it's brilliant in a lot of ways, and from what I've played so far, it really does feel like a Final Fantasy game. The bad news? Well, it's got some serious technical issues, and I'm worried

"I didn't steal 'em!" Hajime joked, showing off his receipt. He then got very excited, saying, "I'm going to change history!"

I don't MIND breast physics being ridiculous at times. It's a stylistic choice, and some games should have that style.

The embarrassment comes from the fact this is more the norm than an alternative fantasy. I don't want to live in a world without dumb breast physics... but I don't want it to be the only way I can

My girlfriend would like me to point out that if she were going to go into battle, or fight someone, or do pretty much anything physical, she'd be wearing a good bra that doesn't allow for much movement despite her larger cup size, and doesn't understand video game costumes at all, nor why developers feel the need to

Klausaidon's right—if more is wanted, then the project needs to stay non-profit in order to allow this to fall under the parody clauses and avoid copyright issues. Donations of money would be the biggest detriment. Time, production supplies and voluntary work however would help a lot more.

I'm a bit suspicious that Alfred may have tampered with detective mode so that it always tells Bruce that those guys are just unconscious, even though he clearly murders at least one person every time he takes on a group of thugs. There's just no way you can consistently kick a dude in the neck hard enough to "knock

where can I send my money for more of this

Basically what it looked like in my child-like brain when I watched it live. Now what I see on TV..well.

Maybe it's not a great sci-fi story, but it a tearingly beautiful story because of the way it deftly handles the subject of the cultural divide within a household. Maybe it's because I'm Chinese, can understand the Chinese hanyu pinyin in the story, and also have the same experience as the protagonist of having

This story just killed me. As the daughter of an interracial marriage and a woman who's looking at her own interracial marriage... Man.

I was bussing home from school, and halfway through the story I started crying. The hardships an Asian parent goes through in a culturally different world just hits too close to home. I remember asking my mom why I couldn't have sandwich lunches like all the other kids, not realizing that her carefully packed fried

Damn it, should have put in a warning about this story. Not the best thing to read at work. Not the best thing to try to finish reading at work. Not the best thing to try and muster up the wherewithal to finish it on the subway from work. Thank god I already had a stack of tissues around because of my cold.