Modern Dog speaks no ill

I’d be mad if I paid for first class and got moved to coach too.

I....I LIKE sriracha. Why is there always a backlash against innocent tasty products that only want to make your taste buds happy and never asked for frenzied internet fame? (See also: bacon, avocados, both of which are also delicious AND taste good with sriracha.)

I’m going to sob when he leaves office. I can’t imagine having another president as willing to show his kind, loving, emotional side.

You seem like fun.

Is that what’s depressing? Really?

My theory is that every ref actually tries not to make the coin flip, and it’s really hard, and that ref was the first to succeed and just won a big secret NFL ref pool.

If this game doesn’t convince people that the NFL overtime rules are stupid, I don’t know what will. Who in their right mind (besides Cardinals fans) wanted the game to end before getting to see Aaron Rodgers with the season on the line in a road playoff game in overtime?

If there are going to be diverse nominees, you have to have diverse material and actors being greenlit by studios and producers. The Oscars are just the sore throat and stuffy nose, the disease is something else.

Laketown. It was called Laketown. We all know what the cause of the fire was...a Wyvern with a british accent.

He is afraid of death and I am afraid of life.

“He will be terribly missed, despite the fact that he was never really here to begin with.”


Cosplay needs more work:

I hate Sean penn’s stupid fucking face.

That was the saddest game in NFL history.

Speaking as someone who has lived overseas for 8 years, the U.S. is seen as a pathetic joke by even our staunchest allies. I love my country to death and readily acknowledge that as a white man born in 1977 I pretty much have been provided with 99.9 percent of every possible advantage in life. I want to be proud of my

Obama has the patience of a saint. This is why I could never be a politician; I would inevitably at some point just scream, ‘Oh my FUCKING GOD you’re all so dumb!’ and storm out.

I’ve had one oath my whole life and it remains true to this day:

If only there were some sort of institution or service whereby some citizens could send, or “post” if you will, packages to other citizens at a reasonable price, even in remote locations where for-profit businesses won’t go.

To me, it is both hilarious and super serious. On the one hand, I mean, how could you not laugh at these idiots?