Modern Aircooled

A modern vehicle absolutely knows if its going up or down hill, what pitch its on, everything etc. It knows what each of the four wheels are doing individually and can be calibrated accordingly. Rolls Royce even had ZF program a transmission to shift according to GPS coordinated that scans the road ahead to ensure

The remarkable tail ender to that story is Porsche SE the holding company that represents the Porsche and Piech families, has a 51% vote / control of VW. So while VW owns the Porsche Automotive business, the Porsche family owns VW. 

Am I doing it right? 

Ryan, can you email me at I know a bit about the two 911r’s and that particular deal.

We try and stay out of the horsepower wars and the roll racing set. We do have many clients who compete actively in TX2K and the like, and it blows my mind how many shops here in Houston are able to crank out these builds, and how a 2000+hp 911 turbo is somehow mid pack at this point. 

I have a 4.3 GT3 in my shop at the moment.  The issue is a severe harmonic flaw when you get beyond 3.8 that just gets worse and worse. (this is the Mezger platform). We fix bigger ones by running an aftermarket harmonic balancer, but still live in fear of a broken oil pump, crank, or more commonly having the cams

I’d be incredibly wary of anything 964 or 993 below 50 these days. You can still get a few decent G body deals around 40, but the good cars are asking very strong numbers.

Trying to attach a pic of it (with no luck)

We did a very similar project with a GT4 in Houston, and actually spoke regularly with both Alex at Sharkwerks, and occasionally with Matt at Guard about finishing the car with the gearbox revisions. Ultimately the car got sold to begin a stealth modernization of a later 930.

I’d be very interested to see how you could run twin flat plane cranks and use the different levels to balance each other out, conventional wisdom says anything flat with less than 10 cylinders should be a boxer for balance, would be really cool to see if maybe two stacks of flat planed fours could be made to balance

To be super pedantic, that illustration shows a stack of 180' V engines,

I second you on this, I recently got stuck in pouring rain/ thunderstorms on the way back to Houston form San Antonio in my 993 on PSC2's. My 993 is far too low and has horrible bump steer in perfect conditions, adding puddles, poor visibility and all the back up semi’s kept me on edge the whole 4.5 hours back. Never

Growing up in Melbourne really gives you opportunities to develop a love for cars. You get to see one or two of everything, things you wont see in America, or Japan, or Europe individually all blend seamlessly into our cultural hybrid mish-mash of a city. I never had a family background in cars, but growing up there

I’ve gone from 997 S > 996 Turbo S > 993 Turbo

Yeah we know,

You posted this article on Australia Day!

Balls. I was doing college cars wrong.

So that’s exactly it. However the comparison came about because the owner of the GT3 bought the Mustang as well and was then disappointed by it, and we wanted to find out why. I also have another two Porsche clients who have a GT350 of some variant in their garages. So clearly there is some cross appeal.

The 997 GT3 is known for being the absolute benchmark as far as steering goes, and all 911 variants are well known for remarkable traction. It was the comparison that so poignantly highlighted the shortcomings of the Mustang. The best of the last generation of track toys, compared to the darling of the current!