
If someone has to tell you you’re psychic, you’re not psychic.

“I don’t know her life, but” Exactly, you don’t, and it’s just as lame to make assumptions about skinny people as it is fat people. Please stop projecting!

Weighing your food and counting calories lets you know what you’re putting in your body and when to stop, you know, putting things in your body. Weighing food is

Articles like this make me throw up my hands. What do you want us to do? What do you want *me* to do? We get all these reminders of how we’re so fucked and everything is horrible, but most of us who care about this *are* trying. I recycle, drive an efficient car, and bike a lot. I try not to waste electricity or’re an asshole?

Was about to very angrily protest that I did. But then realized I’ve been 30 for 5 months now.

Right? It’s like the amount of times I’ve gone to starbucks and a barista has mistaken me for Jodie Foster!? And then a man in a limousine has pulled up and screamed, “we found you Jodie. That’s right. You can run but you can’t HIDE” and then shoved me into a trunk and brought me home to a strange woman who claims to

I was about to say, “I DO!” but then realized that I’m not under 30.

Somewhere, Leelee Sobieski is frowning at her Starbucks cup marked “Helen”.

I agree with you—good Sanders supporters are the real victims here, not the woman who is being relentlessly harassed by bad Sanders supporters.

Yeah, agreed that controlled substances shouldn’t taste like candy. That is asking for trouble.

Rather than get all aggro, we’ve mostly gone silent because of the misogynist asshole Bernie Bros (yes, I know #notallSandersSupporters) and GOPers relentlessly attacking us, which is why you have the Bernie Bros constantly saying “Do you know anyone who is supporting Killary? Do you?” Well, yes, me and all the women

Yep, this is the response I was expecting. Thanks for delivering like Dominos.

I’m sure they are doing more harm than good. They’ve helped turn people who were mostly undecided against Sanders. I had planned to vote for Sanders (was absentee and didn’t request my ballot in time, so I didn’t actually vote), but I’m glad now that Clinton is winning. Fanaticism of all stripes really turns me off.

This election is toppling into mania, mob mentality and frenzied threat-making on every side.

Ladies can be anything that men can be, including Bernie Bros.

I’ve had to block people like this from my newsfeed on Facebook because it’s just too much. I don’t think people like those who responded to Lange are representative of all of Sanders supporters, but they’re very vocal and I think they’re doing more harm than good to his cause.

No parent would intentionally make the wrong choice? I’m not so sure about that especially given the anecdote about Feldman up thread where his mother basically told him to suck it up.

Ok, here is my issue with Beauty and the Beast (other than Stockholm Syndrome and sexism, lol). The Prince has until his 21st birthday to break the curse. The events of the movie take place 10years after the curse was in place. So the Prince was 11 YEARS OLD when he was cursed. I don’t care how rude an 11 year old is

Although part of me still wondered if Littlefinger was sincerely sorry

Did you not watch the behind the scenes right after? They say straight out it came from Martin.