You fucking, stupid, careless asshole. Usually? Usually?
You fucking, stupid, careless asshole. Usually? Usually?
OMG Look at what the brown people are doing!
“Amanda did not comment if her husband has made the same promise.”
I love that piece, it’s so pathetic. That woman puts all this fucking effort into “looking hot” and all she gets is a fucking Roomba. That is not worth the effort, lady.
“She also didn’t have real boyfriends or go out on dates”.
So, I completely agree with you here in many ways, and was just talking to an autistic friend about this the other day. I will say though that, obviously, autism is a spectrum, and I know several autistic folks who are completely non-verbal, are occasionally quite violent, and will likely never be able to live…
Please stop. It makes me sad that anyone here watches fucking NCIS.
While I hate to be dragged to his level, has he ever looked in a mirror?
I am not painting *you* as anything. I am also, in my way, as I mentioned up top, “a woman who supports Bernie,” although as a journalist I don’t throw my arms around any politician entirely and never will.
The lack of organizing has been the death of the Sanders campaign. They put all their money into huge rallies, TV ads, and internet presence. They trained no one. His supporters do not understand the process, so they’re all ready to believe whatever ridiculous conspiracy theory or imaginary delegate math scenarios…
“it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals.”
"Our campaign has held giant rallies all across this country, including in high-crime areas"
Also, Clinton won the NV primary election. Nothing was being stolen from these people. Blame the Sanders ground game for not having its delegates be prepared and follow the rules.
“Who are you talking to?” and older woman’s voice shouted worriedly from the background.
Oh, honey, Mariah has been the shadiest bitch in all the kingdom since Xtina was prepubescent.
The Sanders supporters tried to steal those delegates fair and square, why is the system rigged against them?
Want to know what’s really undemocratic? Caucuses. If BSers actually cared about the democratic process they would be protesting the caucus system, not the archaic rules within. Just scrap that whole system and go to primaries.
*whispers* I hope there isn’t a single white person in the entire movie.
She is too rich and young to have the same hair since 2006.
Foster’s not wrong here, but not only is this biting the hand that’s fed her (The Accused), which seems a little rude, also I just cannot with her anymore. She’s such an asshole.