
What? You misunderstand me. I don’t have a problem with her using a surrogate for whatever reason. I don’t even have a problem with her not telling people she used a surrogate (hello, people are judgmental as fuck!). I just think she didn’t hide it well enough.

I love Beyonce. She is wonderful. She did not give birth to Blue. The dress incident had me suspicious, but the car incident proved it for me.

I mean that’s cool? I’m not saying that there are no POC voting for Bernie. I think there are reasons to vote for Bernie or to vote for Hillary. My comment isn’t saying “POC don’t want Bernie” my comment was complaining about how the Gawker websites are treating any POC that dare NOT to vote for Bernie as some sort of

That I completely agree with, Cruz is way worse than Trump. I agree that Trump is more concerned about being a “winner” and being viewed as most popular, meanwhile Cruz really thinks he is the destined to be the President during the rapture. He’s crazy in a much more dangerous way.

I was quoting you. You said “That train of thought requires ignorance of current history.”

I actually disagree with your worst case scenario, I think things could get worse under Bernie (no one willing to cooperate with him) and stay the same under Hillary. I used to think no way Trump could win the presidency, now I think he might (ugh) but I feel Hillary is a better able to beat him in the general.

I guess I just feel like I don’t have the luxury of taking that gamble. Because if Bernie isn’t elected, or doesn’t get more liberal dems elected into government, then I feel like me and my community will be so much worse off.

Yeah I really don’t get that. It is frustrating to me because someone who says they would vote for Trump if Bernie loses really doesn’t believe in Bernie’s ideals then you know? Trump is opposite of what Bernie is working for!

I mean it could happen I guess, that Trump wins over Hillary, I will totally admit I didn’t see him going this far at all. But as long as we are voicing opinions, I might as well share some anecdata: all the republicans I know, (older, white and hispanic) are not voting for Trump. They are either sitting out the

I agree with you, especially your last paragraph. I guess my problem with voting for Bernie isn’t so much that I have no faith in him (he seems like a good guy!) I have no faith in any of his supporters to follow through with actually making sure there are liberal democrats voted into government and without that

What are you talking about? You are literally responding to things I never said. In your responses you’re just inventing what you want my comments to say.

Okay? What is your point? That you don’t read? Everything I am referencing has happened in this article and in this commenting section. If you don’t read the comments then of course that would not be your experience.

Okay, well maybe go tell them that? I’m addressing the fact that Jezebel and Gawker (and their commenters) are overwhelmingly in favor of Bernie, to the point that they label POC that don’t support Bernie as “un-informed” and “voting against their own interests.” I haven’t seen any articles berating POC for supporting

haha okay girl. Maybe I’m being hostile with you because your entire line of commenting beginning with “I just want to learn and be better!” was disingenuous, as you’ve proved with each subsequent comment. You have a nice day though.

No, I actually don’t believe Bernie is electable. I think having him as the nominee is a bigger risk that a Republican is voted into office. Additionally, I think even if he is voted into office, he can’t accomlish much, if anything. People love to knock Hillary as “establishment” but she knows how to negotiate, and

Am I talking to or about Killer Mike? I am referencing the writers and commenters on Jezebel and Gawker. You swear like these blogs are known for diversity. Look at the writing staff at Gawker, it is almost entirely young white dudes talking about why POC should love Bernie and hate Hillary.

Thanks for being respectful, but I don’t think you understand what “taking a chance” would mean for the communities I come from and work in. Losing access to healthcare and reproductive rights can mean life or death. This isn’t a pinterest board post “dance like no one is watching/live,laugh,love/ breathe, and take

Huh? Your response makes no sense. You were talking about yourself (as a Sanders supporter) but you were “also talking about the white HRC supporters.”

You know what, it is weird. There does seem to be an overlap between people that supported Ron Paul/Rand Paul and now support Bernie. Like all they care about is the word “revolution.”

...and? I never said they don’t exist. I know plenty of men and women of color that are Sanders supporters, however they don’t sit around questioning my intelligence just because I support Hillary. Maybe you do that to your friends, but I don’t. I am commenting about the commenters on THIS BLOG. The overwhelming