
I'm in the Caribbean and it worked for. Ever since I discovered this app, I feel invincible.

Use the free Google Chrome app called "Hola", it lets you toggle back and forth between the IP addresses of different countries, including the US. Never be excluded from internet content again.

Nicely put.

"But to say, "We don't make excuses when dudes have sex with little girls, why would we make excuses here?"makes it sound like you're saying that a grown woman, like a child, isn't mentally capable of making her own decisions about her body and sexuality, just because she is poor and a minority and has landed in

Yes, pointing out the marginalizing rhetoric someone uses is basically the same thing as nailing them to a cross and burning them at a stake.

Sorry the subtext of what she was saying marginalized gay women and WOC. It wasn't intentional but highlights the general problem of some women casually being excluded from public discourse.

No, but if your gay friend was a woman (BECAUSE QUEER WOMEN EXIST) you'd sound like a fucking idiot ignoring her womanhood by asking her to "get on your side now" which is what Patricia did.

Amber isn't slut shaming Kim. She's pointing out the hypocrisy of people (Kanye, Khloe) slut shaming HER.

it's aesthetically pleasing to their target market, is what I'm, saying. But w/e

Maybe you aren't their target market? Red Octobers and Air Yeezys are coveted classics among sneakerheads.

The cruel irony about Kanye being shunned by the fashion world is that he's one of the few celeb designers who is actually super passionate about it.

LMAO, right. Yeah right after Anna Wintour and Gisele the name on the tip of everyone's tongue is Kelly fucking Cutrone.

I don't know about his clothes, but all this shoe design collaborations with brands like Nike, Adidas and Louis Vuitton always SELL OUT IMMEDIATELY.

Actually having long nails and picking your nose is a match made in heaven .

"And if you go by the "one drop"assholes, then she's African-American."

Have you ever heard "an explanation is not an excuse" ?

"Last night's premiere somehow managed to skewer both rape culture and the occasionally sloppy and one dimensional way that we define it."

I live in a tropical country (of 90% nonwhite people) and it's the social norm to shower at least once a day-most people do so 2-3 times. To avoid smelling like sweaty balls.

does the depravity of this situation have a bottom?

WOW. REALLY? Cosby is dragging everyone's legacy down with his own. Phylicia Rashad is totally ruined for me. How many black women are willing to ruin their public image to protect a rapist?

I'm disgusted and disappointed in Rashad. Thanks a lot, Cosby.