
A great way to make me believe you genuinely care about misogyny in hip-hop is to only bring it up to deflect attention away from Iggy's racism.

Honestly I think it just shows her continued lack of self awareness. She still doesn't get it.

"Hate the big bad mean black man, not the innocent racist white girl"

"Here is some truth. Snoop Dog claimed to have pimped out women."

Is it? Are people tired of hearing the truth?

In theory this should be cool and funny- a celeb poking fun at themselves.

I'm glad someone appreciates my trollish ways!

Everytime I see Rita Ora I wonder what Rihanna is up to. Rita Ora, it's really awkward that you're not Rihanna. It makes me very uncomfortable.

"So you've changed your opinion from "all 1.6 billion Muslims are poor brown people under the thumb of oppression that we created and that's why there is radicalism" to, now, yes, religion can be the cause of destruction? Because that would be a new take for you in this discussion."

Apparently you're SO one track

"What they do say is that more people need to realize that ignoring the destructive consequences of religious beliefs is a bad, bad thing."

If that's your entire argument all I have to say is: well, no shit, tell me something I don't know.

"Every "man-splainer" you named looks at every religion with an equal lens"


Dude I don't give a fuck about defending Islam or the Koran, I'm just tired of people acting like Islam is not a reflection of their own assholes. That's why I reference "the thumb of oppression" as you so annoyingly put it.

I'm against people acting like getting "rid" of Islam means getting rid of evil. I'm against

Literally the only difference between American Hick Town Christianity and radical Islam in the middle east is money, government and Walmart. Christians in the US often claim they want radical Biblical law too but they're not going to fucking get it, though. They're too busy being comfortable and distracted by

"The American Christian abortion clinic bombers are fully responsible for their actions, why not hold Muslims believers accountable for their actions?"

They are being held accountable for their actions, they have bounties on their heads. Unfortunately, the millions of other Muslims who have nothing to do with that kind

"The brown masses are oppressed by other brown people with Islam and the Quran"

This kind of logic is precisely what pisses me off about these arguments. People get to pass the buck and blame everything on religion completely ignoring the socio-economic factors that allows fundamentalism to flourish.

After Westerners

"Guys like Sam Harris do this all the time, and for the most part, that is what Maher is doing."

UMMM no he doesn't, Maher is very clearly anti-religion and idealizes a purely atheistic world. In his mind, anything but atheism is evil, dangerous and stupid. That's kind of his whole shtick and what he's known for.


**I meant Dawkins, not "Hawkins".

I am not against harsh critiques of religion.

I'm against the notion that religion is the 'greatest evil' and the world needs to be rid of it, starting with all the ugly brown religions. That's precisely the kind of ideology Maher and Dawkins espouse and it is a distinctly neo-colonist stance.

There's no mental

What you just outlined is that Islam is in the early developmental stages common with all Abrahamic religions. That's all.

Religulous was nothing more than neo-imperialistic, Dawkins-esque bullshit.

Educated white men in positions of power have learned that religion is bullshit. They have not learned to shut the fuck up and stop thinking their current belief system is the supreme cure for all the poor brown masses.

Black victims have been significantly more ridiculed and got less support and sympathy from mainstream media, which is what Gabby is referencing here. Jlaw and other white actresses have been basically the face of the whole scandal.

I saw several racist comments about the "ugly brown" colour of Megan Good's nipples