
Oh, hell yeah! I remember getting totally hammered in some of Moscow's finest clubs and then dancing to 'bring it back' by Moloko. Great song in the days.

This is why cloud computing is important. Korean offices raided? Disconnect.

Interesting, but even for 100 million, I could get you a fully functional Russian city, complete with running water and sewage. It also could have a brigade of specialists and scientists that could do much of the research for you.

Ok, physical product - remove. But marketing materials??? If this is over the software Sammy puts on its tab, then what is wrong with a brochure? You can't see or feel the "offending" patent on a piece of paper.

Hopefully she doesn't get birth control pills the same way. Wouldn't want to think she can have offspring as smart as herself.

Why not figure out a way to turn the leftover stuff into fertilizer. It makes sense in a way. Heck, it's better than using petroleum based crap. Kind of freaky spiritually, but in theory, everywhere you step something died.

Geez, had I known that this was unexplored, I could have come up with this. I don't even have a Ph.D. Window seats first, back to front - always made sense.

I guess his family believes that money is more important than his legacy and beliefs. I'm sure MLK doesn't approve.

Cargo ships are actually amazingly cheap. I wanted to take my car to Europe, roughly $1000 to get it to Norway from New Jersey. It is a full size SUV too.

Really? Mind explaining how that would be against our natural interests? You're saying a vulnerable bridge or tunnel spanning 65 miles is a threat? Is that because the bottle neck and traffic jams caused from getting 100 tanks across it would be bad for the environment? You should be a politician, Palin would hire you

Here is how I see it. Apple - American, Google - American, Microsoft - American, HP - American etc. Who cares what CEO invented or innovated the most. I'm proud to be an American.

My point was that if this becomes legal: demand drops some, prices drop some. If prices drop and accessibility grows, I'm 100% positive that kids will have much greater access to it. Especially if the taboo is gone, because everyone is doing it. No, trust me, legalization is a very bad thing. Just watch Requiem For a

I feel like this photo by posting this, but... wtf.

Wow, just, wow! Since when is everyone on Gizmodo on drugs? This is what they talk about when they say our culture is in a state of degradation. We can't keep kids away from cigarettes and alcohol, yet here are people preaching about "lets legalize everything" including cocaine. F*ck, the US really is screwed.

Yeah, uhhh, ok, do you have kids? If/when you do, go ahead offer them some cheap 25¢ crack. No harm, right?

You guys... so serious... psssht...


Impressed to say the least! Messed up the bumper though. :(

I think it is more like replacing a bloated Camry with a motorcycle. Sure it may be smaller, but you can go to space more often due to lower costs.

You're telling me Google couldn't buy it if they wanted to? It isn't as if the G doesn't have money. I think they just didn't find the value in it.