
Well, I saw the police pointing the gun, because there were 4-5 people in that car and it was dark. Normal procedure. Hell, I got pulled for doing an illegal U turn and the guy was all: "roll down you back window", while he had his hand on his gun. I'm definitely not a suspicious type either.

+1 Badum-pumb-tssss!

Pfffttt.... If I did this for a street in Moscow, there would only be red blinking everywhere. Enjoy this peacefulness NYC.

Just don't get your panties in a bunch as I plowing my 5000lbs SUV over the roof of such a car as you describe. Because I wouldn't have the braking power to slow down and there would be nothing I could do. So, yeah, own that whole god damn road, big boy. Own it.

For anyone with a large heavy SUV, this guy is a driving lottery ticket. Just step out of the car, fall down, flip on your back and scream neck injury.

"So, uhh... hey, you youngsters want to... you know... come back to my penthouse and relax a bit? I have lots of candy and mountain dew."

I apologize, I thought you were saying one volume could be charged back up within a matter of minutes. My bad.

Well, ok, I speed read that article and now notice that you can also charge this stuff inside the vehicle. My previous rant was not necessary.

Noooo... that is not what it said. Read on-> "...can be recharged in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is pump out the depleted goo and replace it with some fresh goo."

Thumbs up to you sir!

I don't think it is that bad. Most of the weight would most likely be photos anyways and that applies for both formats.

Yeah, but since Apple only allows subscription purchases through their app store, there is potential that other app developers will follow suit if it matches their product.

No, I'm not trolling. I'm sarcastic about anything that attempts to fragment and complicate the system.

I saw it more as further competition to Skype (Facetime being the first step).

Great! What next? Tires that get lighter by dissolving after 100 miles?

Re-examine the photo where the red roadster is following the Model S.

I hope this backfires on them (i.e. they hope everyone adopts it, but nobody does because it doesn't work with any other devices). Apple is still the only phone that I can think of that uses micro-sims.

Yeah, because they probably own part of the company that will be making them. lol

Yeah, but why fix something that is compatible with millions of devices? What does shrinking it 40-50 percent change? A slot is still needed, a reader is still needed, and it still has to be removable. My phone is thin as a pencil and has a normal size card. It works just fine.

It very much needs a grill just like an ICE vehicle.