
I don’t think you understand.  I’m not saying WW doesn’t work, I don’t give a flip about whether it does or not.  I’m saying this marketing plan isn’t going to work because it’s so easy to do other shit that has the same effect and is also free.

It depends on where you live, obviously. I know in my area there are women’s groups and wellness groups and fitness groups and all sorts of shit like that.

On the other hand, there are tons of free, in-person groups for getting together and supporting each other.

You should really have more stars for this.  

He waved “bye bye?”  Dude, really?

The problem with marketing it like this as if you take away the diet advice and plans, you could get ANY of that wellness crap for free online at any number of places. Mindfulness practice? Surely there are apps for that. Nutrition information? Definitely apps that have basically everything. By selling WW as some

I adore Queen and this sounds like hell to me.

I don’t think that it’s a crystal clear issue whether any law enforcement agency could indict a sitting president. He’s an executive like a governor, and Blagojevich was arrested while in office. It would be complicated and need to be done carefully (coordinating Secret Service and incarceration would be a fascinatin

Yeah, I came to say this.  Everyone should be fucking furious at Fiji.

Fine, it’s about money.  Why do you think black girls are “worth” less than white girls?  Because they are, according to Kelly and his supporters.  He would not have been able to buy his way out of this situation as easily if he was praying on white women because in the balance, white women are valued by society more

Oh, I get that, my point was that the OP said it was hard to tell when celebrities are good are bad and it is SUPER easy to tell in this instance.

Yeah, man, it was so hard to tell R. Kelly was a creep until real recently.  

I mean, that is literally how gender reveal parties work though. That’s how the couple doesn’t know before the party.

What he’s saying is that these women should have just told their stories in a blind item instead of naming names, because you wouldn’t want to force people to actually confront the fact that they are fans of a piece of shit.

I agree on so many levels.  The holidays are a marathon of stress, which can sometimes be good but when it gets to New Years, I’m just done.  

In my state, you can’t get a DV restraining order unless you live the person who is abusing you.

Ron Goldman may beg to differ.

Just because an item does one thing in one situation doesn’t mean it does a different thing in a completely different situation just because as you don’t understand what a phrase means. Why on EARTH would you want to increase the rate at which your body processes electricity? That’s guaranteed to kill you.

Crystals are objects which have properties. None of those properties are magic.  Do you think cell phones run on magic?  

Oh wow.  This is great.  Please go on, Earthangel.