
Doing the lord’s work out here.

Something like “Person, woman, man, camera, TV”?

I heard that in a proper Australian accent.

Hi there

With 1 important caveat.  Most people can afford to fix a Miata.

Precisely. And also: if your lungs are already so bad that wearing a mask is “intolerable” to you, stay the fuck home while a deadly respiratory virus is running rampant through the country.

Yeah. I mean, besides:

Right? If he’s betting on the “honor” of a woman who has been credibly accused of trafficking minors for sex, that’s not a great bet.

You never go in against a caecilian when death is on the line.

You may not know this, but as a Professional Scientist of Animals and Other Things, let me teach you this simple maxim: All tube shaped animals are presumed venomous until proven otherwise.

Seems like a good time to dust this one off:

TFA doesn’t mention it, but I am 100% sure the car buyer was a white guy. If it had been a POC the Laredo Sherriff’s Department would have sprained their wrists patting themselves on the back over their, “massive drug bust.”

So the car’s a Crack Pipe however much it sold for, amirite?

Kudos to the skid steer operator, that was a far gentler drop than could have been expected.

since being elected to Congress in 1988.

Oh yeah, that’s some “To Protect and Serve” shit right there


Luckily there is no possible way for this feature to be abused.

What could possibly go wrong?