
$21,995?!!? A car that small needs to sticker for more like $16,995. Good grief.

I love cars, but I hate spending money to buy them. So I like to buy 'em used, and get 'em for less than $15,000, and I like to pay cash. That last one is not a given, though.

@uncleben: Just as some author struggle to write good endings to their stories, Chevy seems so struggle to putt attractive butts on their cars.

If I came upon this car parked on the street, I'd unfold a lawn chair nearby, sit down, and spend the rest of the day just looking at it.

A college buddy had one of these and I drove it on the Interstate between Indianapolis and Terre Haute once. I was playing leapfrog with someone else on the road. He'd zip by me, and then I'd slooooooooooowly pass him, and then he'd zip by me...


@Jellodyne: The jingle is now running through my head.

Darn good thing the cops weren't driving a '59 Bel Air.

Warning: Expanding ads aplenty, if you're not on Firefox with the right extensions.

@mdensch: Right. I knew someone in college who bought one new. Every time, and I mean every time, I saw him out on the road in it, he was pulled over and under its hood!

Holy cow, I sang right along to that one. "Comes with everything you see rat cheer!"

Why does the 4Runner have to get uglier with each iteration? The blackout around the B pillar and the wide C-pillar make the thing look as graceful as an elephant on roller skates.

@OldeEnglishD: My dad bought a Chevy van that had no rear seats, got a rear seat out of a junkyard or something, and just sat it back there, not bolted down. We rode around like that for four years. The stuff we manage to live through.

I hate the Collonade cars, hate hate hate! Ugly then, ugly now! Yet 36 years hence, seeing one in such good nick, my heart is inexplicably touched. So's my head, but I think the right word there is "tetched." Nice price.

@radiochief: Right! And with a door that long, he has extra reach.

What I'm feeling is "Holy crap, they wasted a perfectly good '59 Chevy for this?!!?"

A car the size and shape of the C-Max is just what fits my life right now, and if it were available in the US, it would make my short list for my next car purchase.

I'd rather have the non-grand version. It's much better looking.