
if they want to put away an old joke: fix the elevator

Wed: The Soup

Family Guy & other toons can get away with a lot thanks to animation. This is the same script without the same response. Nothing's shocking here, that comedy with real people have real reactions…

Amazon did the same thing. I bought 'Season 5' from them before the season started. After the break, I couldn't watch the new episodes. Found out because I hadn't bought the "final season"…

will it still be on Hulu? TBS shows aren't…

this guy loves Scott Stapp… he said it aloud, everyone heard it…

grasshopper did write Liar yo

How about Kids in the Hall? Is it on GO?  Dream On was on HBO GO before, I watched & realized it wasn't as good as I remembered…

Scientology dues are expensive…

OR: Just charge $5 / month for HBO GO. You'll make tons more than your current charging scheme.

so that's where Draper gets his confidence…

haven't listened yet… hope the new album is less instruments & production than the last 2… at least an small, quiet, acoustic option. on the last album, NPR had a studio version of him doing the songs. preferred it waaay more than the studio version…

KISS is the complete opposite of Fugazi…

is it me or that site buggy? order the album & single at discount (thanks avclub) but can only listen to half of it…

is it me or that site buggy? order the album & single at discount (thanks avclub) but can only listen to half of it…

why? nic cage isn't really a ass whipper or shoot 'em up guy… maybe he can weird-out the bad guys by overacting?

why? nic cage isn't really a ass whipper or shoot 'em up guy… maybe he can weird-out the bad guys by overacting?

i love how he hee'd & haw'd, forcing the band to play for reasonable priced venues with reasonable priced tickets ($40'ish). i've seen the band over 30 times (thank you). it's even a subject of the documentary PJ20. but for his solo tours, he plays expensive venues & charges over $80…  for example, in Memphis he'll