Two of the best sounding cars in the last 30 years. Good taste.
Two of the best sounding cars in the last 30 years. Good taste.
The market is up because it looks like the GOP will actually pass a law rescinding this order.
Hell with those auto-mobiles! I’ll take my trusty horse any day of the week. It’s worth it when I don’t have to stop for gas and I can just feed it by the side of the road. It can climb the hill behind my house better than any banging contraption.
Because large body lifts lead to higher drag, which leads to lower range.
Jeremy is also a huge fan of the GTI.
The clincher is that the DB9 can be had in a manual. Much better transmission for that V12.
Mazda. Which is why they didn’t release their diesel in the US.
About half the vehicles did come to reasonably controlled stops, including a surprising number of big rigs. The problem was the other half.
To be fair, Toyota has had the same experience at Le Mans as well.
If you don’t like it, you buy an M3.
Yeah, that was pretty jackass driving for an exhaust video. Would it have killed them to find an empty road?
And how do those cars deal with even shallow driveways?
Seriously - this happens at the same time President decides to breach the Constitution by ignoring a law he himself signed. And yet this whole thread is full of Russian apologists.
Yeah, much better to fund a 25 billion dollar dollar wall that can be defeated with 2 dollars worth of rope.
And at least those are generally pro drivers.
In a battle between this and a backhoe, I’d bet on the backhoe every time.
I don’t understand why people feel comfortable standing close to a vehicle doing donuts, particularly one with an unknown driver.
I like sports cars, but every car doesn’t need to be sporty. The Avalon should embrace its role as a car for old people and road trippers.