
I don’t understand why people feel comfortable standing close to a vehicle doing donuts, particularly one with an unknown driver.

I like sports cars, but every car doesn’t need to be sporty. The Avalon should embrace its role as a car for old people and road trippers.

Clarkson actually said the LFA was the best car he had ever driven.

You missed one:

Also, the Corvette uses composite leafs, which are amazing.

I actually would have seen if there were any available for your taco. I put composite leafs on a 1967 Datsun roadster, and the ride quality benefits were huge. Over 50 lbs. of weight savings, half of it unsprung. Allows you to run a higher spring rate with

You just cited stats that show a 1000 lbs. difference.

Because it weighs over a thousand pounds more and has crappy visibility?

I really do think that Lambo should have made it an outrageous off road vehicle rather than a clearly street-oriented CUV. The Range Rover and the G-Wagen have legitimate off road credibility and people love them for it.

I like your posts Tom, but it is disingenuous to claim that the only difference between this and an S5 Sportback is a 0.3s difference in 0-60 times.

They just finished widening the 405 freeway. Result: no improvement in traffic.

Turns out that designing a city around the automobile doesn’t actually work.

This is incredibly misinformed. An EV has *more* range in traffic than at highway speeds because of the reduced air resistance.

That is such a lie. It’s obnoxious to watch people spread disproven myths.

It’s no coincidence that this was the era when the US car companies let the MBAs have complete control. They didn’t care about what product they made - they only cared about quarterly profits. The cars were just widgets to finance.

I think the Mondial has to be the worst. Malaise horsepower and build quality and ugly to boot.

This is a much better front end than the real NSX.

Have you never seen a post on reddit from Jalopnik?

I think that “both parties are the same” line is not supported by the evidence. Here are some of the votes:

If the 90% tax rate on top incomes was so ineffective, then why did the wealthy work so hard to dismantle it? And why did their share of wealth go up so dramatically in the last few decades?