
Fossil fuel lobby. Every NG plant installed consumes NG for the next 20 years. It’s a near-permanent customer for fossil fuel producers.

If you are saying “people should not charge EVs at peak times in the afternoon on hot days” then I agree with you. But the vast majority of the time, people don’t need to charge at those times.

Interestingly, when the power crisis happened, it wasn’t a real capacity problem. The problem was that energy traders from Enron were preventing us from getting capacity in order to inflate prices. It was all energy trading - there were plenty of power plants and lines.

We are building NG power plants, along with storage. And SCE’s own model showed that storage was more cost effective than NG in the LA basin, but they capped procurement of it.

1. SoCal Edison has the EV-3A and EV-3B. Both rates have low cost ($0.09/kWh) charging from 11 pm - 8 am. And CA does have more expensive rates than other states, but average bills are not much more than bills in Texas; because of all the energy efficiency, most homes use a lot less energy.

Yes ;) Sorry - was too early in the morning for me.

Man, so many myths on here. You all have no idea what you are writing about.

California IS thinking about it.

People who must coerce others to “honor” the country have a different definition of freedom than I do.

Option 1: the hazards no longer functioned after the crash

There is nothing dystopian about robots. The only issue is that our economic system is built around jobs that will not exist soon. There are three solutions:

Yep - the E60 M5 is a brilliant car, but those headlights ruin it for me.

I would buy this right now. Literally right now.

That was my first thought too. I was hoping Torch would go there, but he gave up before the hard part ;)

I wish they had gone with the Voodoo motor. That thing sounds amazing.

I am a long time Honda fan, but right now, there is nothing they make that we want.

I have been reading car magazines and blogs for over 30 years. This is auto writing at its best, maddest, most absurdly brilliant.

Astons for everyone!

We finally got a 2 door Panamera.

The problem is, you really don’t want to get in one of those boats in floodwaters. Even water that looks slow moving could quickly get you in a bad situation. Or a snag/debris could burst the raft, in which case you are way worse off than staying on your roof.