At any given time several were in the shop, so he never saw them all in one place at the same time.
At any given time several were in the shop, so he never saw them all in one place at the same time.
Looking forward to see VWs new office tower in Beijing: VAG China
Do stores and offices in NY not have fire-extinguishers and hoses?
Or is it more fun to take video that to put the fire out?
I probably could have worded that better. If you murder foreign nationals, their governments will come after you. Regardless if US law says it’s ok to murder them.
Shooting down a commercial aircraft with foreign nationals on board is outside the jurisdiction of US law.
... and the person that gives the order to shoot down a commercial jet because the radio is broken will get charged with 300 counts of murder.
> how many of those Ohioans would be willing to move to CA? Probably less than 1%.
The question is “Will I screw up worse than a shop would and not tell me?”
Well, they’ve made a mistake, haven’t they?
Or perhaps having 5/7 of the vehicles on that page starting with the same letter is a one-in-456,976 coincidence.
Yup - like a girl too pretty and a car too fast.
Ecosport. I forgot Ecosport.
So... a “Passenger Wagon” (Transit Connect) isn’t a passenger vehicle either?
“You don’t need a screen on the dash”
“Who is hurt by some of the traffic utilizing an otherwise empty lane during heavy times?”
Yeah, that was a typo. They were actually Ass-Pyres.
Door poppers -
Edge is an SUV. Escape, Explorer, Excursion. Flex counts as a passenger vehicle. And Taurus is about to disappear. So now you learned three new things.
shhh. 4,000 cars produced when being “shutdown” for two weeks mean you produced 2,000 per week when you were not “shutdown”
The passengers wont be compliant because now they know that their plane will either be shot down or crashed if the hijackers win.
Lose of control after declaring mayday means your plane will be ... escorted away from vital infrastructure and forced to land.