Friday = ruined.
Friday = ruined.
It makes me sad that this was my initial reaction as well.
We used to have a cat at our grade school called Snitch. He had one eye and his ears were all torn up and he was kinda gross but very sweet, he would walk up and down the road to the school, escorting the small children who walked to school by themselves. We’d…
Christ. Get that cat away from sociopathic teenagers before something awful happens...
Bubba the cat is officially a high school student, I.D. card and all. When asked “Do you even go here?” he replied,…
What are you guys talking about? This video is super diverse. They had one black football player in it for a few seconds and they even twerked.
Let’s be honest... they’re not all natural blondes.
I love this gif forever. This video leads me to believe that sorority girls spend 30% of their time holding hands with one another while skipping in slow-mo, 40% of their time dying their hair blond, and the remaining 30% of their time blowing glitter into the air and / or Alabama’s waterways.
I say this as a blonde. That is WAY too many blondes in one place. A concentration like that does not happen naturally.
I disagree. It has a place and they’re all not bad. I just think they should be private clubs, off-campus, with limited or no access to university assets.
Greek life bullshit needs to die.
It looks like one big tampon commercial.
Universities should just not support these institutions and should limit their ability to throw parties on school property.
Surprised you didn't have GATE on the list. It's one of the more interesting anime I've seen in a while.
This is dumb. Erik Buell is a terrible business person, as has been proven repeatedly. His brand is also tarnished in the industry, given its multiple failures.
God yes, this.