
...who said that?

in soviet russia, you do not demolish building...building demolish you!

th3j35t3r hacker name = "The Jester"

I want to win the Lottery so that I can finance an SGU movie!!!

I bow to our robotic overlords.

WANT!!!...for what?...I'll find a reason!

I'm wondering why the electric motorcycle companies are so focused on the sport bike. Personally, I'd like to see more something like Touring or Sport/Touring or Cruiser bike.

me want see cheetara's boobies bounce!


I'm holding out to see Wonder Woman in a Thong!

So...Fisker...Designed in Irvine, CA.

Why does it always seem that these so called "Neilsen Families" always seem to be located in the Mid-West? AND...WHO is Neilsen giving these boxes to in the big markets? I understand that these boxes are really used to gather data for advertisers. But, since alot of folks out there have DVRs (me included), can they

Been watching this company and it development of it's bike for awhile now.

This lighting fixture is called a "Fresnel". And it is still made and used today. Just not in chrome. But I'm sure if you contacted one of the manufacturers, they'd chrome one for you...for a price.

Nothing wrong about liking the Zune. I have the old brown 30gb. A blue 8gb for the gym and I decided last year that the WP7 Samsung Focus would do me fine. I also run ZUNE on all my computers. No I am not an MS zealot. I just like the Zune products. AND I live 15 minutes away from Cupertino.


Kinda looks like the crack in the wall in Amy Pond's room on Dr. Who.

<<< still waiting for Mr. Fusion!