Melissa Hermes

I bought my grandmother a tablet a few months back. Before I would give it to her, I made her take an internet safety class for the elderly at the library. Then I taped my phone number to the back so she could call me if she thought anything was weird.

I have such sensitive skin that I’vealways had to buy baby products. I recently discovered cocunut oil and tea tree. I use that as an evening skin mask. So amazing.

Nee if your doctor’s office has gas. I had mine removed a couple weeks ago. They gave me gas so I didn’t notice a thing.

I have one of these mounted to the side of my sofa. It has a usb on it so there is a phone cable there and I can also plug in my laptop. I also have one mounted under my kitchen cabinet for small appliances and another under my desk. These things are fantastic!

does cricket use ATandT towers? If so it wouldn’t work in Montana.

sure but you end up paying less. I got my phone on a sale for $100. Verizon wanted me to pay $20 a month for it for two years.

I switched to straight talk in August from Verizon. I’m paying $50 less, have unlimited data, and my signal is a bit better. Their customer service sucks monkey balls though.

Still better than Jamberry. Those people are selling stickers. I had a barbie computer program when I was a kid that printed out better quality nail stickers.

I’m 25 and not healthy. I’ve been fairly happy with my insurance. I got a plan with no deductible and a 750 out of pocket. I’m finding out in the next couple of weeks if I need a bilateral mastectomy and a hysterectomy. I want to pick a plan that will cover it and some recovery care. I’m afraid to call and ask about

I haven’t needed to buy lotion since I jumped on the coconut oil bandwagon. I fill a glass jar with coconut oil and put it in my toaster oven just long enough for it to become liquid. Then I mix in this tea tree and lavender essential oil (about 3 drops per cup). I keep it next to my sink and put it on my skin and in

I had a sign at my last garage sale that said “Friendly haggling welcome. Unfriendly haggling will result in sad, confused stares.”

At one of the grocery stores in town, I’ve learned that they will sometimes give a small discount on milk if it is within a week to its sell by date. I have learned the names of the managers in the dairy department. If I point it out, I usually can get 50cents to a dollar off. It’s not much but it is enough to buy a

I often post enthusiastic reviews on the brands’ social media. I am rewarded about a quarter of the time with a coupon or a free product. I’ve gotten lots of makeup that way. Free food too. I just had a slice of cheesecake appear in my dinner delivery with a thank you note for the review I had posted last time.

how is this new? My furniture store has had these forever. And for less than Casper.

how is this new? My furniture store has had these forever. And for less than Casper.

I’m not sure. But they have way less sugar than a soda. looking at a couple of the containers in the house they read 0g sugar. However, sucralose is listed as one of the last ingredients. A product can list 0g if it is less than 1g per serving.

Based on the price of the carbonation refills listed on my local Walmart’s website, once the initial investment is paid off each 12 oz serving will cost about 50cents. Wherease the bottled ones are around 75c plus. The initial investment is equal to a few hundred bottles. I’m not too conserned with flavor- Have you

In the last month, I’ve starting drinking plain sparkling water almost daily. I was thinking about buying one of those soda makers so I can make it at home. I did the math, after a few months it evens out the cost. Any thoughts on the taste and such there?

but they tend to last. I buy keens and merrell’s. They cost 90-140 but last me around 3 years. Worth it.

but they tend to last. I buy keens and merrell’s. They cost 90-140 but last me around 3 years. Worth it.

I went with first interstate simply because they had a branch on my university campus. Now that I’ve graduated I’m wondering if I should be shopping. I’ve had no problems with first interstate. My only complaint is that they charged me $30 for checks. I have a good report with the lending department. I was able to get

The biggist problem I deal with is small bits of dry hay from my guinea pig. Think they would just gum up the roomba?

The biggist problem I deal with is small bits of dry hay from my guinea pig. Think they would just gum up the roomba?