Melissa Hermes

Fees are the a major drain on my small business. Most of my sales are several hundered at minimum. With fees being 2-4% it’s a killer. If a customer pays in cash, I’ll often knock off 1-2%. Doesn’t sound like much, but it really adds up on a 2K purchase!

I haven’t found a cast iron made in the last 30 years that I liked. After burning through 3 new ones, I went antiquing. For cast iron, casserole dishes, and glass pitchers that’s the only way to go

Even better deal for the thermostat. My area gives a $30 rebate when you purchase a programmable thermostat after doing a free energy audit. I’m sure other cities do similar things. Call your power company and ask!

Even better deal for the thermostat. My area gives a $30 rebate when you purchase a programmable thermostat after

I’m a freshly minted college graduate. We love the city we live in but there is a 0% vacancy rate for rentals. The few people that I’ve talked to pay much less for a mortgage and taxes than I do for rent. I think I could come up with a down payment but I’m terrified of the “what if”. What if I have some big repair I

I just ordered an 8gig fire tablet with adds for $33. My grandmother has been wanting a tablet that she could video chat with us on as well as read and play sudoku. The fire is one of the better cheap tablets out there. I’m visiting her this weekend. It’s being delivered Friday, I get there Saturday and we are going

I have the paperwhite with offers. I absolutely love it. It was a gift when I had a concussion and couldn’t use regular screens. I can see the screen anywhere. I only charge it about once a month. It’s super light and even with the case I put on it fits in my little purse. Couldn’t recommend it enough.

I usually tip a flat 10% on pizza. If the weather is kinda crappy but I would still feel safe driving in it I add a little more, maybe 15%. If I wouldn’t feel safe driving in it, I don’t order food. I eat a pbj.

I bought the Bissell clean view bagless upright vacuum with one pass tech 1330 about 2 years ago. It’s super easy to clean and does a fantastic job with pet hair.

I bought the Bissell clean view bagless upright vacuum with one pass tech 1330 about 2 years ago. It’s super easy to

Needs work. It only found one thing in my city. A google search for historical sites near me finds significantly more.

Thank you. I think I will propose that to my husband. See if I can get someone to let me borrow one for a month and see if we actually find it useful.

Thank you. I think I will propose that to my husband. See if I can get someone to let me borrow one for a month and

I’m just hoping to hear from someone why they are so fantastic. My husband asked for one saying it would help when baking. My retort: 1. we pretty much never bake. 2: mix the dough with the hand mixer.

I’m just hoping to hear from someone why they are so fantastic. My husband asked for one saying it would help when

I don’t understand my I need one of these. My husband wants one I can’t seem to get a good argument. I have a hand mixer. It doesn’t take much effort to spiralize veggies by hand. Making pasta is far too expensive. I’ll buy it pre-done. Why are these such a thing?

I don’t understand my I need one of these. My husband wants one I can’t seem to get a good argument. I have a hand

Furniture retailer here: Biggest tip? Don’t be a dick. If you are super nice and chatty, let me finish my sentence, and aren’t rude in any way I’ll totally give you a discount. For the people who just demand discounts I just don’t. The few bucks I’m making off your purchase isn’t worth pandering to a jerk.

I put a down payment on a used car this week. The dealer doesn’t have financing for less than 10k (it’s 5500). Visa requires it be 2006 or newer (it’s a 2005). My bank is offering to give me 4200 at 7%. My husband and I both have great credit scores (we are 25). I’d rather not empty out my 1500 in savings. where else

I called at the beginning of the month over to Visa. My husband got his wisdom teeth out last week (2k) and I was planning on putting it on the visa and paying for it over 3 months. I called and asked them to lower my rate since I have no late payments in my 1 year with them and my credit score is just above 700. They

I graduated this weekend with 51K in debt. I am going to be on a pay as you earn but we are going to try and pay each individual loan faster. I’ve made a poster for my smallest loan of 700 and we are going to color it in as we get it paid off. I think breaking it down into chunks will make it feel better.

I feel like my biggest weakness is my obsessively hard work ethic. It always sounds so cliche so I hate to use it. Today I received some devastating news. I couldn’t sit and wallow. I went to work for a couple hours.

i’ve become completely desensitized to the silent alarm. It doesn’t wake me up anymore. I do have regular set ones that remind me to go to class or work. Those are nice.

Thank you for this. I’ve been a vegetarian since junior high. People always hounded me with “protein, protein, protein”. When I finally sat down and measured it when I got to college, I saw that I was consuming around 120g per day. For a 130lb woman. Yeah, way too much!

I’m graduating this weekend. I have about $200 a month in flexible money after eating OK and paying the bills. What is a smarter focus: 45K in student debt at 2-5% interest, or setting up an IRA? I’m married with no dependents.