Melissa Hermes

And they get provisions from law enforcement. It’s not a complete closure. The roads are open to first responders so they can still take care of the city. This gets the idiot in the Prius out of the way. In MT first responders have a tag on their license plate to identify them.

Yup. I carry my ID. I got an escort to work once. It was awesome!

Right? I live in Montana. Snow is normal. I always tip 30% when the roads are dangerous.

I love my washable pads. I wear one when I’m out of the house for a long time. IUD’s can equal mucous. I feel fresher with the washable pad. I have 5 of them and rinse them after each use then just wash them with everything else.

Costco. I got 10 pyrex with lids for $25. Kinda pricey but kinda awesome.

Get yourself some education.

Do i have to use the canned stuff? I buy the shelf stable coconut milk since I’m allergic to cow milk. I’ve been wondering about this as I’m going through a curry phase. Can I just use the same stuff I put in my cereal? Is the canned coconut milk just condensed. Help me!

Thank you. For those of us not programmed to read social cues or use body language well, this type of information is helpful. I study it and use it constantly.

A big part of me despises adds but then I remember my small business. I’m the only independent merchant in my area and I’m always struggling to get my name out there. Advertising is expensive but its necessary. I need my name in their heads or I’ll fall like the rest of the mom and pops.

I work full time at a small furniture and bedding place. This is the greatest thing ever. Waterproof, sweatproof, bed bug resistant, and washable. They are on all of my beds and pillows. The bed one survived 2 year old with grape juice. It’s purple. My $5k bed is fine... So is my niece.

Vinegar is the go to in my house. I make a 15% dilution of grocery store vinegar and tap water. Good for windows, glass, kitchen counters, bathrooms.... I find it to be just as if not more effective than alot of cleaners that i’ve purchased. I have a drawer in my kitchen with terrycloth towels and a spray bottle of

One of the best gifts I’ve gotten as a young person is a gift card for the grocery store. I was given a $100 safeway card last year. I used about $25 on a nice dinner for my hubsand and I and the rest for our regular purchases. That gave us some nice wiggle room for the other bills.

I wish that were more popular in the US. I’m in college. Freaking sespool. If people were to wear masks when they have a cough I’m sure I’d get less colds! I’ve taken to handing masks to people. I don’t even say anything. Some people think I’m an ass. Others put it on.

At 24, my family has just begun to see me as an adult. As such I am now expected to bring gifts for everyone. I’d rather not spend all of my holiday bonus (a whopping $200) on gifts. Suggestions to keep costs low?

I have one of these and I love it!! I think I charge it maybe once a month. On average it is used for 5-10min per day. I use it for quick pick ups. It’s easy to clean out. I think I paid 35 for it a year or so ago. Love it.

I have one of these and I love it!! I think I charge it maybe once a month. On average it is used for 5-10min per

I might do this on the inside of my medicine cabinet.

Wait. Ambulances are free in some places? Wow. I’ve always paid out the bum for an ambulance. My last trip for a concussion cost 5k for the ambulance. 10k in the ER. Luckily I had met my out of pocket!

I found a pet to be really helpful. I can’t lie in bed all day or my little friend will starve. The mutual love helps too.

I pretty much buy keens or merrell’s exclusively. If that helps at all.

I’ve been comparing the quality of products lately. I’ve discovered that cheaper coffee is a waste because I need to use twice as much. Shoes are another one. I spend an average of $100 on a pair but they last me 3 or 4 years. The $40 ones from walmart last maybe a year. There are other things that you can cheap on. I