Sounds like Shania Twain’s Cousin We Don’t Talk About Anymore
Sounds like Shania Twain’s Cousin We Don’t Talk About Anymore
I pay less than that in Midtown... just depends on when you got in and how often you negotiate down rent increases.
I feel like Haribo gummies are harder than other gummy candy which icks me out. I like Kasugai or, hell, even sour patch kids over the sour Haribo gummies
Better Uhura than Nina Simone though... >_>
omg I know her... not like know her know her, but I used to follow her twitter way back in the day. I am so happy and excited for her!
Please tell me this is not a real thing, like it’s a parody. o.o
maybe it’s on sale at the on on 59th that’s closing. If you buy 20 of them you could sew them into a real shirt.
google should just buy/integrate Shazam for that.
salmonella cooch. that’s the first thing that comes to mind.
hey don’t knock kegel xtreme aka jade eggs.
So the gist is they were set to be arrested the minute they announced we were all gonna march over to Trump international? I’m still confused as to the why. The cop car blaring the prerecorded message about not blocking the roadway was a “nice” touch. Like, you will be arrested if you block traffic but the sidewalk is…
<3 him. He was filming something outside my building yesterday!
What is this from? o.o
Jubilation T corn pone. Unshaven and shorn pone.
yep that’s all I take the minute I get that twinge.
no. no no no no no no no no no no no
Thank you for that, and the Wiz quote (my favorite song from that movie).
Every morning I read something that makes me go, “wut?” real slow-like in my head.
Yeah, I get that legally he has a right to defend his home from perceived intruders and that a lot of “what ifs” could have prevented the tragedy. That young man is still dead over nonsense.