Big 2.5?
Big 2.5?
...if Donald Trump and Elon Musk had their phones switched without either knowing it, I’m not certain we could tell the difference either.
One of you likes well done steak, now another one is testing steak sauces.
This site even did an article on it
Because Canadian beer is exactly as bad as American beer ;)
Since it’s highly unlikely to get its own article, I’ll just mention here that the scene where J. Jonah Jameson has to keep his blood-pressure down but Miss Brant keeps trolling him with the buzzer on his intercom is perhaps the best scene in Spider-Man 3.
I hated it last year and hate it even more this year. It's a giant uninteresting soap opera with hardly any actual football in it. When the first "season" ended without even a game I knew it was beyond hope. It s giant steaming pile of emo BS, and what person ever asked for that in a FOOTBALL game!?
Its going to be hard turning it left when it just wants to go right, into the stands.
somewhat of a feature?
So do you put the plastic bag over the baby like the picture shows?
More like 40 years late . . . Or closer to a century.
I’m old enough to remember when this was called Ghost Riding.
Approximately 12 of those would have been sold in the United States.
This pisses me off. Who the fuck doesn’t list the speeds they’re bragging about going in the proper ascending order?
This isn’t just Toyota. This inability to make a competent and timely sports car is a culture problem that is rampant across Japan. The Japanese treat sports cars as a pursuit of passion, not an ongoing business proposition. They occasionally have a fun idea, roll with it, put it on sale whenever they finish…
I wish people wouldnt lay around the terminal like a bunch of refugees. Have some self respect and go to Applebees and get drunk.
Do you know why it’s gone? All you “enthusiasts” who ask me to bring these to the NA market and then buy a CVT Kia Soul instead because you suddenly remember you’re 39 years old 215lbs, make $65K a year and have a wife, 2 kids and a dog.