This doesn't hold water. There's no reason you can't archive the digital player software, as well as the copy. Film is so much more fragile. There's no way that, on the whole, digital copies aren't better for storage.
This doesn't hold water. There's no reason you can't archive the digital player software, as well as the copy. Film is so much more fragile. There's no way that, on the whole, digital copies aren't better for storage.
I always remember the lighting; it WAS the late afternoon in that house.
I remember a sketch on some HBO show for "The Dildo Phone", which later segued into a sketch for the Dildo Phone Repairman.
When the tongue is rolled the R can have a bump in it.
He was a big masher-upper. Aliens sounds like Star Trek III klingon music.
"Daikini" sounds like the Ewok "oo tee dee" sound.
I always thought it was Mad MORRIGAN and pronounced with a British accent.
Commander Cody was a reference to a rock band. It's a stupid thing.
Maybe I'm confused. I thought the "and" credit was for supporting characters. I agree that Ejiofor was the standout vs. Wiig. He probably had more screen time, he certainly had more lines. I just don't see how Wiig gets 3rd billing, and he gets last.
I hated Kristen Wiig only for the WIERDLY high billing she got, in exchange for basically doing nothing. And Cheiwetl Ejiofor has "also" billing… which is even more BS.
I think that's the point of Great Job Internet.
dammit, that's all he had to say about the Bond song? I want to hear more, since the lyrics are total fan service. What was the writing process like???
They had an early version of the Onion satire news: "Army Hard Up, Plans Dix Pullout"
1. You'd be shocked at how much content was in each one. Thousands and thousands of words, every article worth reading, every piece with a unique premise and point of view.
I had one. It was awful. And being a 10 year old kid, I tried really hard to love it.
I grew up near Chicago for 22 years, then moved away. In hindsight, it's funny how Chicagoans can whoop it up and have a grand old time, while their social functions rot away beneath them. But hey, at least the Hawks are doing well.
No, we're supposed to be ruthlessly sarcastic (because its a business).
Can you tell me which Basie album was reissued?
Thanks!! I had no idea. I collected all the studio recordings by the late 1990s, but I haven't heard any reissues since then. I'll pick these up.