Why I didn't watch the Olympics this year.
Why I didn't watch the Olympics this year.
Not like those BANKERS!
LOL this guest spot is too good to waste.
Actually… it would be a MAJORLY cool thing to do.
he's so damn likable because of it! He could play Berlusconi.
PLEASE let this storyline pick up immediately after the credits of GlenGarry Glen Ross.
When Frank Sinatra died, it was a huge loss for me as an early 20's male who studied masculinity. Like all the James Bonds died and they decided to never make any more.
Anybody reconsidering the Macklemore thing in light of this?
Huh. I see your point but I'm a little put off that because I'm a man, I can joke about dismembering fifty women but I can't joke about raping one. Whoever's in charge of the sensitivity meter doesn't really care about people dying as much as their being raped. If that's the real reason kids in the 1990s saw 16k…
I'm basing my opinion on the seriousness of the atrocity. Serial killers get trading cards and long, fawning documentaries. Serial rapists are horrifying things to speak of in low, shameful tones.
I dunno, murder seems to have a whole "tasty and titillating" vibe about, while rape is to be deeply shamed and stomped out at all costs. For example, in some of the more tasteless kid's movies people talk openly about murder. I kinda think that's a little lopsided. I'd rather be raped than murdered.
But this is a glass half-empty attitude. Sincere words to one guy? Not good enough, say the fans. This is where I opt out. Thanks for the discussion, I have a good idea of the temperature of the room. Honest thanks for the additional background.
Actually, the "wack" position in this argument is being cynical. It's taking the gracious, immediately offered and most likely sincere words of a winner in a cynical way. The only people calling him on it ARE cynics. Given your standards, there's no possible way Macklemore could come out positively. He was always…
And nothing says "sore loser" then refusing to shake the offered hand of your opponent.
But it NEEDED to be seen by everyone. That's how graciousness works. You thank others in front of others, and then thank them AGAIN in private even more.
I am correct, and you are correct too. That modest, self-effacing gesture (whatever form it takes) by a contest winner was always partially meant to head off negative backlash. Pummel a friend in billiards? Win the promotion? Land a major award in your career? You better come off a gracious winner otherwise you'll…
That's how many it takes to realize you're gay.
It's also the modest thing to do, and was once expected of well-bred people, especially the gentry classes of most world societies. Some of the real classy Hollywood types still do it. BUUUT now it's too earnest and that's not cool anymore.
Except for
I'll wonder at it again: murder is FASCINATING. Rape is VERBOTEN.