
How does any woman do this to another woman without feeling complete disgust at herself? Am I so utterly naïve?

As any media lawyer or journalism professor will tell you, the word “alleged” offers no legal protection if you actually libel someone. Direct attribution, for which is what the author is arguing, is the best course from a legal and ethical perspective: “Three women say John Smith raped them” NOT “John Smith accused of

There’s a word, and it’s quite short, for how the vast majority of information in this world is conveyed: Said. A

These are all horrific, but her story and Lysette Anthony’s are the ones that make me feel like curling up into the fetal position; he fucking battered his way into their rooms.

Annabella Sciorra’s story gave me the chills, the hair on my arm is literally standing up. Fuck everyone who is getting ‘tired’ of the #metoo stories. which he wrote that Glass’s new project “should be rewarding for her considering she didn’t appear on Crystal Castles’ best known songs.”