
One thing i would LOVE they would do after this AC game is set the next installment in the 60s... over THE ENTIRE WORLD. The plot can go like this. The Creed/Organization has grown in the shadows for centuries and now they are making a comeback. they choose their most famous and deadliest assassin for this charge, the

Obviously a later game in the series needs to simply be set in modern times, so the Assassins can free us from our combination complacency and slavery to a rotten capitalist democracy.

I'm expecting much Freemasonry. I mean come on, just look at the similarity between the Freemason's and Assassins' symbology.

Yeah, as cool as a game like this could be, I feel like they're skipping over a lot of potential historical content (on the order of 2 or 3 games even, perhaps) by fast forwarding so much, if this is indeed what they do.

Now playing

A lot of things fall over when a cat jumps on them... or anywhere near them apparently.

This type of service is incredibly ripe for lampooning. Especially by those of us who would never in a million years pay someone $25/hr to do the grocery shopping.

Don't forget to look at things like "Similar Apps" or "Users Also Installed". In the Android Market at least, this section is right there on every app's page. Check out the competition and their comments as well. Many times commenters will say things like "I like/dislike this app because it's different from this other

troubleshot -> troubleshoot

Do people really use paperweights anymore? I can't think of a time when I said to myself "man I could really use something awkwardly large and heavy right now to make sure these papers don't blow away."

Omg I'm in heaven. The default camera gallery was driving me up the wall with all the random images it was indexing in random folders scattered across my internal and sd memory. With QuickPic I can tell it to ignore everything except the couple of folders that I actually care about.

For the record, a dev has explained the permissions a bit. Dev claims that the permission is not as bad as it sounds. Still seems a little fishy. Not that I don't trust Dropbox, but that would make it seem like the Android permission description really dropped the ball, cuz it makes it really makes it sound like it

That is a bummer. I haven't had the occasion for an upload to fail yet, but not logging/displaying failures like that is a huge pet peeve of mine.

I can't wrap my brain around this image. Inside out you say?

That's true the ones that are nothing but the contacts don't have a seam I guess. I don't see many of these though. Only a percentage of flash drives really.

We've mentioned before that the USB symbol on cables can tell you which way is up and thus help you plug it in the right way every time, but sometimes that symbol isn't there (e.g., on a flash drive).

This is the last 5 years of my life at work.

Yeah the common Dell monitors we have at work all have their vertical USB ports with the logo side at the back, which commonly means that the LED on flash drives is facing AWAY from you. This get's me all the damn time.

I lol'd. This is the story of my life.

Seems like LBE Privacy has both of these beat. It doesn't list all of the minute permission details, but it does show you the important ones AND it lets you set up rules to allow/block/prompt for requests every app makes.

Yeah, the new permissions it requires are pretty outrageous. FWIW, there's a thread with the outstanding WTF question on their forum here. No official replies as of yet.