+1 for "wontfix" analogy ;]
Electric mower? I thought those were novelties... or for old people.
So now we've _both_ demonstrated very well why we don't have stars ;]
Photo tagging permission... Seems kinda "too little too late." I wonder how many potential jobs/interviews have been lost on the lack of this feature.
So Steam is giving refunds (some say not).
But hey, we elected them so obviously they're good at everything.
Don't speak the f-word in this house.
Just look at how genius those fish are.
The fact that no other digital distribution sites have Valve games does not make Steam a monopoly. You can still buy them in stores.
My point below, exactly. If you CAN store it yourself (or aren't losing storage cost to do so), then you're effectively losing money (or value) in the deal.
Yeah, I've never bought into this theory. Even if you're able to successfully sell an item and buy it back later for what you consider to be its depreciated value, you're most likely going to be buying it back for a price that matches its depreciated condition. Whereas if I just stored it myself, and took good care of…
I would hope there's a way to limit calls as well, in a decent parental controls config. Turning phone calls into a game for kids seems like it could backfire...
It's true than in a game like Oblivion that there's little to do except when you find something, but personally I really like the feeling of actually finding those things, and not being led to them on a leash. Plus in Oblivion at least, there was plenty of hidden locations and side missions like that so you really…
Kotaku Internet Detectives Inc. is now open for business.
Why you gotta make me tear up by mentioning Ep. 3? You know I'm sensitive :[
What's that EA? All I heard was "we want less work and fewer sales".
So... much....... fail. My eyes burn.