
This has been my favorite hack for a long long time.

I dunno about not using non-Google tech... but yeah, Chrome is my standard browser, and I want my lovely sync-y-ness. Consider this my signature on the "Get Chrome on Android ASAP" petition.

Yeah, if you're just getting your own external IP via a script, seems like having your own one-liner script up for this would be the way to go, because you're guaranteed the least number of hops, and technically you have one less point of failure because you don't have to worry if some other site is still up for the

Welcome to the internet :3

Yeah, I wouldn't give the honeypot account access to my regular Dropbox account.

"my guess is that it goes along with their idea of openness on their platform."

Not sure. I've never noticed an issue with TB's Dropbox sync, but then I never did really double check to make sure it was working flawlessly in the first place I suppose.

Good question. There's nothing on the market page or the dev's page that specifically says it does, but it does have an option to revert to the Dropbox failsafe API should the app's code not work right. I assume the Dropbox code is secure, and I don't know why he would remove security from his "more efficient"

I maka dis for U.

I tried this out on a tip from a commenter in another article and it works great. I haven't done anything too complicated, but I have it auto-sync my dcim and TitaniumBackup directories to their respective directories in my Dropbox, and it seems to work fine and quick. The best thing about this is that it can watch

I was hesitant as well, and we should be, many keyloggers out there are shady-looking as all get out. The reason I describe this as trustworthy (or seemingly so, that's my opinion), is because A) it's open source, B) I've had a brief look at the source myself, and mostly C) because after being mildly active in the

On a side note, I use Dropbox as a potential laptop-recovery device in another way. I recently set up Prey on my netbook, and, while it sends some great recovery-aiding data, I wanted more. So I decided to set up a keylogger. I found a reliable, trustworthy, open source keylogger on sourceforge. It logs not only keys,

I see we have a brainwashed Apple fan in the room.

Or at least getting the second-to-last laugh over the data-thieves.

Purge the drivers. With FIRE.

OMG Thank you. I've been looking for a reliable way to auto-upload my Photos to dropbox forever, and this is even better 'cause it'll do Titanium backups and anything else I want too!

Depends on your device of course, but rooting is so easy nowadays. I've been harping on a coworker to do it and he "never got around to it". Finally I just sent him (via our shared Dropbox folder) the Z4Root app, and he was rooted in 1 minute. He spent the rest of the workday (and probably every day since) playing

Peeeeeeerrrrrrr preeeessssssssuuurrrreeeee!

Not to be pretentious, but I've been using Google Voice since I first got my Droid X... so the necessity for SMS backup is nonexistent. It's pretty nice.

He has a point, as other commenters have pointed out. The game still has numerous serious (read: fatal) flaws. No one I know can play SMP without being disconnected/crashing at least once every couple of hours.