"almost nobody" is different of "nobody", you have to have a dangerous profession, no, not firefighter. :) The answer is nothing, they did nothing to protect the rr guy or the biker, i don't understand you doubt.
"almost nobody" is different of "nobody", you have to have a dangerous profession, no, not firefighter. :) The answer is nothing, they did nothing to protect the rr guy or the biker, i don't understand you doubt.
Sorry, i already responded you, can't delete this one now.
In my counry there's some problems too, one is carjacking, best attitude, proven by statistics and sh!t, let the guys take your car, when driver reacts usually the result is violence upon the driver, and criminal don't need permits to carry a gun. Usually you got the car after a robbery, or if not insurance pays you…
Look, one thing is to have the righ to defend ourselves, another different thing is acting crazy because you are afraid. People allowed to carry guns, can carry them almost everywhere, gladly almost nobody is allowed, except maybe huntig riffles for hunting days only, but you need a doctor to say that you are not some…
But hey, i don't live in the USA , where apperently everybody wants to kill everyone. Ever wonder why you are the developped country with the most violent fatalities?
Yep, still alive, and safe, happy to say. Yes i do believe it would be the best decision, i would do it. If i have to get beaten, best do it before i run over their friends, that would piss them off, like it did.
read "he" and "the point being"
I didn't read is resumé, some said we worked in credit suisse, some that he got to the university, ergo. The being regardless of is education/occupation, he made a stupid decision. That's all.
So, being a graduate banker allows him to do stupid sh!t. Talk about too big to fail...
Because it need big balls to run over a bike with a range rover. If he had balls he would get out of the car and talk to them, now that's way bigger balls than run, and the result would be that most likely he would not be beaten.
Either way, i don't eat junk.
Because university guys don't do stupid things, right.
Maybe that helped it, maybe the guy that was about to beat her suddenly realize what he was about to do, and stopped? You Know there's a person inside the helmet, don't you?
So waht's the point? Being crazy and say that if he didn't drove over the biker they would rape her and eaten the child with fries?
But hey, if someone drives over a biker in front me, or a pedestrian for that matter, most likely i would lose my calm
I don't defend their actions, the same way i don't defend the rr guy actions, in the end he got beaten, if he got out of the car, worst scenario, would get beaten, most probably not. You know what turns people crazy, ignoring them, in this situation, doors windows closed, get out of the car politely, non agressive…
Look, i don't ride in packs, i don't brake check nobody, i don't even engage with cars when they make stupid things, and they do alot, but defending the rr action, completely avoided if he was smart, especially with is family? No i am sorry but i don't defend him. Defensive driving, would save him. Defensive riding, i…
This situation only proves that you don't need a gun, you only need the power of god.
So everybody has to think like you now. I am sorry to disapoint you, i don't play and don't like cheerios. have anything usefull to say or are just an azzholle?
The picture with the guy in the hospital paraplegic? What did the police did to avoid a guy running over another person, before got beaten?